What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member

Life is looking up, still perpetually sad amd that is changing.

Hospital was for reason I care not to discuss anymore openly. I am done being an open book.

Life is good. Cooking a roast for two, poured wine for 6 because ugh hub we like to drink.

This is a new sf. Im acrambling forum pw's and riu may be one.

Longer decision needed as I love some people here.

It will be a good sf. I didnt even be romantic it was kinda lulzy. She still lit up and it will forever be in my mind.

Tonight is roastveggoes a garlic roasted beefs, some ASSparagus. Maybe some cocaine and a hella bunch of top shelf bourbon.

Thanks for being nice to me yo. I love a bunch of you so very much. Dont wanna ve a "attention whore" but I must jet.

Keep it super cool yo. Ask around you can find my hangouta or digits. I got court dates out my ass so lol so kuch to do.

Luv luv luv

One song

Love me


Well-Known Member
An admirably complete list but I suggest also getting a nudo-gnostic image for Dr. @neosapien.

~tiny ninja bow~
I cleaned up a pool with my cousin today. It was brand new and never been swam in. We rescued these people from a bad contractor. So after we left, the homeowner sent my cousin a pic of her and her kids swimming. The first thing out of my mouth was "yeah but where are the nudes"? Not a like or rep or even a smirk. People in the real world aren't nearly as funny as us.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I cleaned up a pool with my cousin today. It was brand new and never been swam in. We rescued these people from a bad contractor. So after we left, the homeowner sent my cousin a pic of her and her kids swimming. The first thing out of my mouth was "yeah but where are the nudes"? Not a like or rep or even a smirk. People in the real world aren't nearly as funny as us.
I'm not a pool guy so this is my ignorance speaking: What was the matter with the new pool/contractor?

Obligatory nude:


Ursus marijanus


Well-Known Member

Life is looking up, still perpetually sad amd that is changing.

Hospital was for reason I care not to discuss anymore openly. I am done being an open book.

Life is good. Cooking a roast for two, poured wine for 6 because ugh hub we like to drink.

This is a new sf. Im acrambling forum pw's and riu may be one.

Longer decision needed as I love some people here.

It will be a good sf. I didnt even be romantic it was kinda lulzy. She still lit up and it will forever be in my mind.

Tonight is roastveggoes a garlic roasted beefs, some ASSparagus. Maybe some cocaine and a hella bunch of top shelf bourbon.

Thanks for being nice to me yo. I love a bunch of you so very much. Dont wanna ve a "attention whore" but I must jet.

Keep it super cool yo. Ask around you can find my hangouta or digits. I got court dates out my ass so lol so kuch to do.

Luv luv luv

One song

Love me
Well I hope everything works out the way you want SF ....even if your busy try to pop in and give us a heads up on how your doing every once in a while .......I have a cat named after you ,,,so it would be slightly difficult to forget about you buddy .....sending positive vibes your way dude ---Inda


Well-Known Member
Got home from a long day and had lots of good stuff set out and ready to make some burritos .....bomb as fuck and I forgot to put the beans .....gives me a reason to eat another one after this cigarette .....figured id share my very delicious fresh burrito since food porn is the ((IN)) thing around here .....it's no Gary Goodson meatball ...but it was definitely delicious ......especially after a long busy day ......raining here in my part of Cali .....kinda weird since it's been shorts and sleeveless shirt weather the last few days ......have a good evening guys/gals .....



Well-Known Member
i paid for a 30 foot dumpster but a 20 footer showed up today. oh well. started watching the masters, got hooked, and didn't get to work until 5:30. got done in 2 hours what i had planned would take me a full day, so looks like this job is gonna go really quick. a lot quicker than planned.
the place where i get mine from doesnt go by how big the dumpster is.. it all gets charged by weight


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Staff member
View attachment 3920183
Got home from a long day and had lots of good stuff set out and ready to make some burritos .....bomb as fuck and I forgot to put the beans .....gives me a reason to eat another one after this cigarette .....figured id share my very delicious fresh burrito since food porn is the ((IN)) thing around here .....it's no Gary Goodson meatball ...but it was definitely delicious ......especially after a long busy day ......raining here in my part of Cali .....kinda weird since it's been shorts and sleeveless shirt weather the last few days ......have a good evening guys/gals .....

I'd eat that

Steve French

Well-Known Member
I went to the local rock show. It was $6.50 a beer. Garbage. I did preparty a bit, but that is just too much. I got real drunk and enjoyed the music. The kicker was I was walking back and tried to ford a little river. Well, I shit the bed, fell right into that river. It turned out to be several feet deep. My boots sure squelched on the way home. Mothafucka.


Well-Known Member
I went to the local rock show. It was $6.50 a beer. Garbage. I did preparty a bit, but that is just too much. I got real drunk and enjoyed the music. The kicker was I was walking back and tried to ford a little river. Well, I shit the bed, fell right into that river. It turned out to be several feet deep. My boots sure squelched on the way home. Mothafucka.
Buzz kill

When I first read the opening line I was thinking mineral show, and then I was like hmmmm It is a pretty cool mineral show that serves beer, but of course I keep reading and then I was like damn I have gotten old lol and nerdie.
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