What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
No. It's a work colleague organised barbeque. We use it as a catch up time. And to farewell and celebrate a another season of growing an improved crop.

We gave a "Golden" Sickle to an old bugger today. Because it might be his last season. And he's been doing it for a decade. We also farewelled 3rd year supervisor. He managed us really well in both the seasons I was in.

Myself and a few of the lads went off to try some of the local bush sativa. Did not disappoint. Two tokes, got blazed. I even acquired a few nugs for later.


Well-Known Member
Yup, that shit's no joke.
I almost lost my foot too. Spent 6 weeks in the hospital the summer before the 8th grade.
The nail went through the joint of my big toe. We thought it was just your typical blood poisoning, which it was, and treated that. Around 10 days or so after, My foot was in super bad shape. Swollen huge and hurt like hell. They injected some kind of dye and exray came back super bad. I had gotten Pseudomonas in there. 6 weeks and two major surgeries later, they released me.
Fuck did that suck.
A buddy of mine broke his leg slipping of a ladder. A few inches above the ankle.

They put pins in but he got a staph infection in the bone. Fought infection for 18 months.

They amputated because they couldn't stop the infection.

He's fine now. 2 year ordeal though.

Of course we call him Cap'n Pegleg now.

You can't even tell when he walks.


Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine broke his leg slipping of a ladder. A few inches above the ankle.

They put pins in but he got a staph infection in the bone. Fought infection for 18 months.

They amputated because they couldn't stop the infection.

He's fine now. 2 year ordeal though.

Of course we call him Cap'n Pegleg now.

You can't even tell when he walks.
Oh man, that sucks bro!
I was told back then how very lucky i am to have kept my foot. But I was so pissed man. 6 weeks of IV. Both surgeries they left a fabric drain in my foot. When they take those fuckers out, holy fucking shit did it hurt. Worst pain I've ever felt to this day. Got my foot though so it could have been much worse :hump:


Well-Known Member
Oh man, that sucks bro!
I was told back then how very lucky i am to have kept my foot. But I was so pissed man. 6 weeks of IV. Both surgeries they left a fabric drain in my foot. When they take those fuckers out, holy fucking shit did it hurt. Worst pain I've ever felt to this day. Got my foot though so it could have been much worse :hump:
Yeah, I hear ya man.

I lost a friend last year. A year younger than me.

Was in a bad car wreck and busted up his leg and hip.

Also got staph infections repeatedly or they never actually beat the original infection, not sure.

He was on crutches the last few years.

Died of sepsis last year, complications of the infections and the wreck.

He was a great guy, big and strong as an ox till the wreck.

It's hard to believe you can die from broken bones, but you absolutely, certainly can. A bone infection doesn't always take antibiotics well, I guess.

I miss that guy, we partied together for decades.

Be careful out there.


Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine broke his leg slipping of a ladder. A few inches above the ankle.

They put pins in but he got a staph infection in the bone. Fought infection for 18 months.

They amputated because they couldn't stop the infection.

He's fine now. 2 year ordeal though.

Of course we call him Cap'n Pegleg now.

You can't even tell when he walks.
I'm guna go out on a limb and say you can kinda tell ......just because of the nickname ...lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I hear ya man.

I lost a friend last year. A year younger than me.

Was in a bad car wreck and busted up his leg and hip.

Also got staph infections repeatedly or they never actually beat the original infection, not sure.

He was on crutches the last few years.

Died of sepsis last year, complications of the infections and the wreck.

He was a great guy, big and strong as an ox till the wreck.

It's hard to believe you can die from broken bones, but you absolutely, certainly can. A bone infection doesn't always take antibiotics well, I guess.

I miss that guy, we partied together for decades.

Be careful out there.

Jezuus. You guys and your kidlets are all banged to hell today. :o
Sorry about your friend Tang. Sepsis is no joke.
And certain fractures/breaks can be fatal...particularly long bones (femur) or dense pelvic bones. Pretty straight-forward to splint but greater chance of bleed during transpo.

I also had a friend lose his leg to similar circumstances. He was an undiagnosed diabetic and his infection spread rapidly.

I know most of you probably wouldnt go to the hospital unless you were bleeding out of your eyeballs (and even then only at your wifes/GFs/Moms urging) but if any of those "boo-boos" start to look "angry" please head to the ED.

You guys be careful.

Safety first, lol:hug:
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Well-Known Member
Sorry about your friend Tang. Sepsis is no joke.
I know. Oh, do I know.

I got sepsis after a prostate biopsy in 2013.
Apparently, it's not uncommon after they shove needles up your ass.

The Dr. told me 1 in 10,000 dies from the procedure. Which means a few hundred get sick (me).

There is no way to sterilize an asshole (no pun intended).

I had a high temp in less than 24 hours. Called Drs. office and they said report to the ER immediately. I told them it would be a couple hours till I had a ride.

I had plants 11 days in flower with dry pots, had to water them 1st. What a struggle that was. Fever, heavy pots that had to be carried to wash tub, and semi delerious.

4 days in hospital, IV antibiotics every 8 hrs. They wanted me one more day. I talked them out of it (I knew after 4 days pots were dry again, lol).

All worked out in the end.

The things we do for plants, I wasn't going to endanger 9 weeks of work. Lol.


Well-Known Member
I went and just bought this mig welder. Not the biggest name brand, but it comes with the spool gun and i got some aluminum work to do also. I'm a stick/arc certified welder(automatically certified for mig when you arc) 18ga to 3/4 plate.

Sucks having to actually buy a machine. I used to weld anything i wanted if i just brought it to the job :-(.

It all started yesterday when I brought something i needed modified for my boat trailer to this local hitch/welding shop yesterday. They've usually hooked me up with a smile. But their fucking immature primadonna kid gave me some attitude when i brought in some work for them, i said fuck it. Wtf am i thinking? Fuck them. Fucking prick bastard. So fucking pissed


Well-Known Member
Sometimes we are to stubborn for our own good.... In Jan. I had a bile duct get plugged with either a gall or pancreatic stone which resulted in a liver, gallbladder and pancreas infection.. Like the dumbness I am had to tough it out for a
Seahawk playoff game and then had to water and trim before going to ER. early Sun. morning.. Had a procedure to unblock bile duct on Mon.. Removed gallbladder on Wed. Antibiotics of all kinds saved my ass..Listened to the next weeks game on the radio driving home on Sun.. probably should have listened and gone in on Fri.. Now she's in charge!
Medicare works... if you get here..


Well-Known Member
Sometimes we are to stubborn for our own good.... In Jan. I had a bile duct get plugged with either a gall or pancreatic stone which resulted in a liver, gallbladder and pancreas infection.. Like the dumbness I am had to tough it out for a
Seahawk playoff game and then had to water and trim before going to ER. early Sun. morning.. Had a procedure to unblock bile duct on Mon.. Removed gallbladder on Wed. Antibiotics of all kinds saved my ass..Listened to the next weeks game on the radio driving home on Sun.. probably should have listened and gone in on Fri.. Now she's in charge!
Medicare works... if you get here..
Fuck bro!
A couple of years ago, i was kneeling down to tend to some trays of cuts, when i felt an ooze feeling in my right knee. The fucking knee just kept swelling up and I decided to go the the very same ortho surgeon who had been giving me steroid shots in my hand for tendinitis. He had just given me one a couple weeks earlier. Oh fuck did it hurt. Turns out I had a major infection in the bursa sack on the knee. Antibiotics cured it, but I'm pretty sure it came from the shot he gave me a couple weeks earlier.


Well-Known Member
The fucking kid looked just like this:
I surprisingly acted like an adult, small town up here is why, but I've been daydreaming what i should have actually done ever since. That fucking dickhead! Fuck
Fuckin punkass bitch. His name is Kenny, but should be bubba. Fucking fat asshole.

Fuck you kenny, i bought myself a welder because of you! Bitch


Well-Known Member
The fucking kid looked just like this:
View attachment 3921275
I surprisingly acted like an adult, small town up here is why, but I've been daydreaming what i should have actually done ever since. That fucking dickhead! Fuck
Fuckin punkass bitch. His name is Kenny, but should be bubba. Fucking fat asshole.

Fuck you kenny, i bought myself a welder because of you! Bitch
Don't let the dim bulbs get you down, bro.

I hate to sound arrogant here, but I used to think if everyone was at least as intelligent as me, the world would be a better place.

I'd love to be tied for least intelligent, as long as I maintain my current level. We'd all benefit.