The UK Growers Thread!

Lmfao, it wasn't gambling & it wasn't a problem, not for me anyway, not sure about anyone else , all depends on how high your stool is & how long your tool is I suppose, or at least are a major factor.
WEEDWORLD MAGAZINE issue 86...i cant find it anywhere for sale..except weedworlds website...which says they only take CASH thru the mail...or a bank transfer....anyways seems like it was pulled from a couple other vendors recently as well.... It has the single best growroom irrigation articles ive ever shattering info...anyways anyone know anyone thay has a copy or a way to get one?
Never heard of it. Haven't you heard, we get all our "earth shattering info" off each other :)
Yeah ive been trying to find the article, so i could show EVERYBODY this simple solution that is so percise and productive while accomplishing executive level results...for next to nothing $
I'm still in "stone over" mode MG, had a big muffin last night :( . I need to get my arse into gear & do some gardening !!! But as the song goes..."then I got high" . So ,think I will just eat & watch telly mate :)