What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I know. Oh, do I know.

I got sepsis after a prostate biopsy in 2013.
Apparently, it's not uncommon after they shove needles up your ass.

The Dr. told me 1 in 10,000 dies from the procedure. Which means a few hundred get sick (me).

There is no way to sterilize an asshole (no pun intended).

I had a high temp in less than 24 hours. Called Drs. office and they said report to the ER immediately. I told them it would be a couple hours till I had a ride.

I had plants 11 days in flower with dry pots, had to water them 1st. What a struggle that was. Fever, heavy pots that had to be carried to wash tub, and semi delerious.

4 days in hospital, IV antibiotics every 8 hrs. They wanted me one more day. I talked them out of it (I knew after 4 days pots were dry again, lol).

All worked out in the end.

The things we do for plants, I wasn't going to endanger 9 weeks of work. Lol.
We lost my gf dad last year, he got sepsis from an infected cut on his arm, he seemed to be getting better but one day while still in hospital he was up walking around and passed out and hit the floor.. ended up on life support until family arrived from out of state.. not sure if the sepsis got him or other health issues but either way, it's no joke..


Well-Known Member
Picked up new ballast I ordered. $70. more than the one it replaces, but I like the Japanese internal electronics idea vs. Chinese.
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Also picked up 8 new blue T-5's. 6 of 8 in fixture are originals, a little dim and blackened ended after 7 years. I only run that fixture for about 4 weeks a grow so they last a while.
Then ran into Home Depot for new bedroom, hallway and exterior porch lights, all flush mount LED's.
$600 shopping spree, but you need light.
Says on LED boxes they last 45 years. Not that I believe it, but I don't think I'll worry about them any time soon.


Well-Known Member
Picked up new ballast I ordered. $70. more than the one it replaces, but I like the Japanese internal electronics idea vs. Chinese.
View attachment 3921755 View attachment 3921756
Also picked up 8 new blue T-5's. 6 of 8 in fixture are originals, a little dim and blackened ended after 7 years. I only run that fixture for about 4 weeks a grow so they last a while.
View attachment 3921760
Then ran into Home Depot for new bedroom, hallway and exterior porch lights, all flush mount LED's.
View attachment 3921762
$600 shopping spree, but you need light.
Says on LED boxes they last 45 years. Not that I believe it, but I don't think I'll worry about them any time soon.

Well, it is Sunday. Tangerine Green sayth, 'Let there be light!' And behold, there was light. And the little plants did look up in wonder, and grew tall toward the sky. Amen...


Well-Known Member
Made vegetable soup. We used a full slab beef ribs to make the stock.
It turned out divine.

I then took the rib bones into the back yard and used my porta ban (band saw)
and cut the ribs into bite size bits for my dogs to enjoy. They are big small dogs.

They immediately went to town on the tiny morsels. After about an hour I looked
out the window to see Dexter licking the grass. The little fuck was vacuuming up the bone dust.:cool:

Dexter may be a lazy shit but he is pretty smart. :lol: