Fact or Fiction?


Active Member
im just a reader ant i never post but if you have been growing for so long than u would have tried it.


Active Member
My don't we all play nice together .... The last time I checked we were growing pot to get high not trying to cure cancer. So bickering over scientific vs. empirical evidence seems a bit ludicrous to me.


I would appreciate if you would elaborate on the process you use to make your tea.



Well-Known Member
Linking the definition of pseudoscience just tells me you had to look it up in order to know the meaning.

Even newbs understand the concept, your a dick, and that's that :p


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Holy shit. I totally forgot what this thread was about. I will remind everyone and post a link here. And let ignore this pompis ass.


Techhead, you brag about how you are some genius engineer who only takes proven fact. Well what proof do we have you are an engineer? You have proven nothing but running your mouth. Show us, prove to us you are what you say you are. I for one did prove this once on these threads. I myself work for an Engineering firm. And we would fire anyone in a seond for having such a closed mind as yours. Search out my post. It was not a thread i had started. The proof is there. At least for me, what about you?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Linking the definition of pseudoscience just tells me you had to look it up in order to know the meaning.

Even newbs understand the concept, your a dick, and that's that :p

And MrHowardmarks, I would really like it if you would stop useing those huge words I have no idea what they mean.:-P


Well-Known Member
I tried it a few times, really didnt live up to the hype for me.
Tech your display of arrogance has spammed this thread with the uglys.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I tried it a few times, really didnt live up to the hype for me.
Tech your display of arrogance has spammed this thread with the uglys.
This is what we want to hear. He says he has tried it, and it did nothing much for him.

For myself, I hate Mollasses. I truely do, it is sticky and messy and clogges up my airstones even. The hell if I will ever use this stuff. But this is from my experience. I use the Rasberry Sweet made by AN. It is so easy to add, and no slimmey mess.

Edit::: I had to add onto this post. I would add Mollasses if someone could show how it works better then Swwet or Carbo Load. Even the Carbo Load I do not like. Carbo Load is so thick and nasty. When I was useing it with a 40 gallon res, I would have to first mix the correct amount for the 40 gallons in a 2 1/2 gallon jug of warm water, with a wooden spoon.. Stir, and stir, and stir, and stir.........They way my Hydro store buddy puts it, Sweet and Carbo load and Mollasses are kind of like carbohydrotes for a athelete. He uses the oxygen mask for football players on another additive or somethings. Can not remember. But when he talks about it, it all makes total sence. And yes, I can not spell. And I am tired of spell checking for everyone... hahaha


Well-Known Member
I think that Tech is gone, finally :bigjoint:

Sorry for using the advanced vocabulary, but pseudoscience was the perfect word. I'll keep it simple from now on.

-I don't use molasses, Like you I use AN carbo load and sweet leaf, sweet leaf is basically molasses.

You do have to pre mix the carboload in order for it to dissolve properly, I just fill a pitcher with warm water, and stir it up really well.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit. I totally forgot what this thread was about. I will remind everyone and post a link here. And let ignore this pompis ass.


Techhead, you brag about how you are some genius engineer who only takes proven fact. Well what proof do we have you are an engineer? You have proven nothing but running your mouth. Show us, prove to us you are what you say you are. I for one did prove this once on these threads. I myself work for an Engineering firm. And we would fire anyone in a seond for having such a closed mind as yours. Search out my post. It was not a thread i had started. The proof is there. At least for me, what about you?
Weel what the fuck do you want me to do, post personal info on this fourm? Only a cop would try to bait someone to post personal info...

I'm just laughing at this thread. All I do is point out that this hasn't been proven with real evidence and people act like I just had sex with their hot younger sister.

There's a difference between being closed minded and having a healthy scepticism. As I said before, if not accepting hearsay or anecdotes as evidence makes me closed minded then by all means, I'm closed minded.


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
++REP Mr Howard..
Tooshhead, if you were any kind of a good Engineer, then you would be good at figureing out problems. Well the problem is this, how do you prove that you are what you say you are with out giveing out to much information. Hmmmmm. I did a rather good job of it when I stepped up to the plate with a big mouth like you do. But i put a stucco guy in his place and he doubted i was an Engineer. If i am smart enough to prove it with no recourse, then why can you not also?
And is is not that you are sceptical. It is that you shoot off information that in itself is not PROVEN, just to try and shoot down someone elses findings. Which you have never tried. Anyway, I observe you to be a Pompiss Ass. This is just my observation. To the best of my knowledge, Techhead does not follow the code of intelligence and there for his right to roll a joint should be revoked until further training of said Closed minded Grower, has been completed.

EDIT: Miss Spelled Howard... HAHAHA