Syria distraction.


Well-Known Member
said the kid with the Yoda avatar..... lol .... calm down sir!!!!
I try to be clear about why I hold the positions I do. I do it so that when I engage in debate we can discuss the issues on their merits and everyone can learn something.

It occasionally happens that someone has a better position than I do- in which case I'll change my mind about it. It doesn't happen as often as it used to, but it still does. I don't take it personally at all.

Personal attacks, on the other hand, are totally unpersuasive.


Well-Known Member
SO........... what is the Syria Distraction supposed to be distracting from?... someone please remind me Im stupid.. hahaha


Well-Known Member
SO........... what is the Syria Distraction supposed to be distracting from?... someone please remind me Im stupid.. hahaha
The theory goes that the current administration continually tries to dominate the news cycle by ginning up one crisis after another so people forget the last one, in this case the ongoing investigation into inappropriate communications with Russia.

That's just one scandal of so many that people end up with scandal fatigue and let them do whatever they want.

Lugenpresse, German for 'lying press'- something the Nazis used to say. Sounds a lot like 'fake news' and 'lying news channels', doesn't it?

Those who don't learn their history are far more likely to be fooled into repeating it...


Well-Known Member
The theory goes that the current administration continually tries to dominate the news cycle by ginning up one crisis after another so people forget the last one, in this case the ongoing investigation into inappropriate communications with Russia.
hahahaha yeah.. it was the russians.. the russians did it!!!! hahaha give me a break.. do YOU think its Putins idea to beef up the U.S's military too.. lol dude.. Assada broke the treaty in the Genieva Convention.. by using chemical warfare.. Trump is just doing what Obamas bitch ass was too pussy to do.. and what the rest of the world and the UN expects the U.S To do..I think its just a shock to some young people how strong America really is and role that we play ensuring safety to so many across the globe. This is the 'real' United States of America.. the one that doesn't take shit from anybody.. and isnt 'politically correct'.. get used to it, SNOWFLAKES!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hahahaha yeah.. it was the russians.. the russians did it!!!! hahaha give me a break.. do YOU think its Putins idea to beef up the U.S's military too.. lol dude.. Assada broke the treaty in the Genieva Convention.. by using chemical warfare.. Trump is just doing what Obamas bitch ass was too pussy to do.. and what the rest of the world and the UN expects the U.S To do..I think its just a shock to some young people how strong America really is and role that we play ensuring safety to so many across the globe. This is the 'real' United States of America.. the one that doesn't take shit from anybody.. and isnt 'politically correct'.. get used to it, SNOWFLAKES!!!!!
Taking these one at a time;
The United States built a lot of weapons during the Cold War by using the Russians as a convenient Boogeyman. To some extent it was necessary, but not to the extreme it was taken. Now, it's just all about the profits, the well-being of our society be damned.

Assad very likely did violate the Geneva Conventions. Mr Obama asked for congressional authorization to retaliate as our Constitution requires- and the Republican led body did NOT. Is that Mr Obama's fault? Does it make Trump any better because he DIDN'T respect congressional authority enough to do the same?

The rest of the world by now expects us to be arbitrary, capricious bullies who do what we want without respect to anyone's desires but those of our own nomenklatura. We've foolishly squandered much of the respect and goodwill we earned through the Second World War.

Why is it our job to ensure 'safety' in the world? And for that matter, 'safe' according to who? Please do yourself a favor and consider the idea that our nation's leaders paint the pigs of our own selfish desires with the lipstick of altruism just as much as anyone else.

The 'REAL' United States murders indiscriminately from the sky with missiles and flying robots, for the sake of profits for our defense establishment.

What, exactly, do you think those 59 missiles actually accomplished, other than a $100 million sideshow and a big ol 'Murrica! Fuck yeah!'?? Don't forget that fighter planes flew from that same airbase the very next morning, so it certainly wasn't effective in any objective sense of the word.

And WTF is with the right wing and their 'snowflake' epithet, anyway? Is it the implication that everyone else needs to shut up and let right wingers have their way? How about they justify their actions, just like everyone else has to? It always seems to come up when there is no excuse but they just aren't willing to admit it.

History has a word for that, too; FASCISM.
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Well-Known Member
Taking these one at a time;
The United States built a lot of weapons during the Cold War by using the Russians as a convenient Boogeyman. To some extent it was necessary, but not to the extreme it was taken. Now, it's just all about the profits, the well-being of our society be damned.

Assad very likely did violate the Geneva Conventions. Mr Obama asked for congressional authorization to retaliate as our Constitution requires- and the Republican led body did NOT. Is that Mr Obama's fault? Does it make Trump any better because he DIDN'T respect congressional authority?

The rest of the world by now expects us to be arbitrary, capricious bullies who do what we want without respect to anyone's desires but those of our own nomenklatura. We've foolishly squandered much of the respect and goodwill we earned through the Second World War.

Why is it or job to ensure 'safety' in the world? And 'safe' according to who? Please do yourself a favor and consider the idea that our nation's leaders paint the pigs of our own selfish desires with the lipstick of altruism just as much as anyone else.

The 'REAL' United States murders indiscriminately from the sky with missiles and robots, for the sake of profits for our defense establishment.

What, exactly, do you think those 59 missiles actually accomplished, other than a $100 million sideshow and a big ol 'Murrica! Fuck yeah!'??

And WTF is with the right wing and their 'snowflake' epithet, anyway? Is it the implication that everyone else needs to shut up and let right wingers have their way? How about they justify their actions, just like everyone else has to? It always seems to come up when there is no excuse but they just aren't willing to admit it.

History has a word for that, too; FASCISM.
It was proven that it wasn't Assad who carried out the previous attack.

Now he's on the cusp of winning and they think he's gonna use (ineffective) banned weapons against his people (prompting the world to freak the fuck out) instead of just continuing to barrel bomb them?

Their proof Assad carried out the attack this time was that Syrian jets had been in the same rough area at the same rough time.


Well-Known Member
Americans are really paranoid about Russian's. TBH most of these stories are just fabricated by CNN. The worst of it is when foreign government officials are labelled spies. These people are there in order to talk other governments in order to solve problems.

CNN is totally biased and completely under democrats control. It's the same as RT just "westward". All news outlets in some way are under someones control and once you know these peoples positions it's somewhat safe to ingest the information but ignore the propaganda.

I think the attack on Syria's military planes was a good thing. This should've been a consolidated NATO strike in order to show what can be allowed, and what not. If the Russians aren't antagonized by a stronger worldpower then they start picking on weaker states in their vicinity or do infantile stuff like supporting tyrants.

They really react like spoiled children. If the Russians could just find a little more elegancy in what they're doing (as in not trying to solve conflicts militarily) then they could become a respected member of the UN. They're actually in a real unique position. But the greatest-sized country on earth still has to bully its neighbours so they can scoop up some additional acres of land while most of their already owned land just lays bare....


Well-Known Member
It was proven that it wasn't Assad who carried out the previous attack.

Now he's on the cusp of winning and they think he's gonna use (ineffective) banned weapons against his people (prompting the world to freak the fuck out) instead of just continuing to barrel bomb them?

Their proof Assad carried out the attack this time was that Syrian jets had been in the same rough area at the same rough time.
I suspected that it wasn't Assad. Do you have any links to what you saw that showed it?


Well-Known Member
What, exactly, do you think those 59 missiles actually accomplished, other than a $100 million sideshow and a big ol 'Murrica! Fuck yeah!'?? Don't forget that fighter planes file from that same airbase the very next morning, so it certainly wasn't effective in any objective sense of the word.
These missiles did destroy about 20% of the Syrian's Air Force so in one way "it payed off". While it is true that the rest 80% is still flying, no new reports of Sarin-victims emerged.

I think they didn't destroy more because of the Russian presence at this base, or maybe it was just a warning shot.


Well-Known Member
Americans are really paranoid about Russian's. TBH most of these stories are just fabricated by CNN. The worst of it is when foreign government officials are labelled spies. These people are there in order to talk other governments in order to solve problems.

CNN is totally biased and completely under democrats control. It's the same as RT just "westward". All news outlets in some way are under someones control and once you know these peoples positions it's somewhat safe to ingest the information but ignore the propaganda.

I think the attack on Syria's military planes was a good thing. This should've been a consolidated NATO strike in order to show what can be allowed, and what not. If the Russians aren't antagonized by a stronger worldpower then they start picking on weaker states in their vicinity or do infantile stuff like supporting tyrants.

They really react like spoiled children. If the Russians could just find a little more elegancy in what they're doing (as in not trying to solve conflicts militarily) then they could become a respected member of the UN. They're actually in a real unique position. But the greatest-sized country on earth still has to bully its neighbours so they can scoop up some additional acres of land while most of their already owned land just lays bare....
Consider that it might be who owns CNN and the other news outlets who determine the slant of their reporting and you'll get a lot closer to the truth.

Russia isn't doing much different than we do, frankly. It's all about whose spin you want to believe. Follow the money to find the truth.

A coordinated NATO strike against Syria for any reason is a political impossibility. Lots of reasons, some of which actually make sense.

Russia is run by Mr Putin, former head of the KGB, and his cadre of thugs who will have their own diplomats murdered to cover up scandals, poison owners of companies they want to steal with radioactive materials and toss those who might embarrass his regime from 4th story windows. He annexed the Crimea and started a war in eastern Ukraine to whip up nationalistic fervor and thereby shore up his waning support among the citizens, because he and his cronies have been wrecking the economy by stealing it blind.

You know what? It turns out you can learn a lot by following the money!


Well-Known Member
what is the Syria Distraction supposed to be distracting from?
paul manafort registering as a foreign agent.

jared kushner lying about his extensive contacts with russians on his security clearance forms, a felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison.

carter page having a FISA wiretap on him because there was probable caue to believe he was a foreign agent.

roger stone admitting that he had back channel communications with putin and assange.

mike flynn begging for immunity from the FBI.

jeff sessions perjury due to lying under oath about his repeated contacts with the top russian spy recruiter.

tom price using his position on the health services committee to commit insider trading.

alex acosta's sweetheart plea deal to trump's convicted pedophile buddy, jeffrey epstein, in exchange for the labor secretary nomination.

erik prince, brother of megadonor and education secretary betsy devos, registering as a foreign agent.

take your pick ya dumb fucking racist.