Berkeley's Liberal Intolerance is about to bite them in the ass.


Well-Known Member
You are so misinformed it's ridiculous. I'm not even a Trump supporter (I'm a Ron Paul libertarian of sorts) but if you listen to what he says and not what the liberal/commie media tells you what he says, you will find a disparity from what you believe. Let me enlighten you:

Why wouldn't you want to ban Islam? Go honestly read the Quran. Muhammed murdered over 600 unbelievers, married a 6 year old and raped her when she was 9 (Aisha). Also, read up on the undeniable and necessary Islamic doctrines of Taqiyya, Jihad, and Sharia. Want to see an ideology that mutilates female genitals and hangs gays? Just look at every Muslim country on Earth.

"Immigrants". Wow, dude. It's the ILLEGAL ALIENS!! The ones who SNEAK over here need to go back and then REAPPLY to come back. This is what that means for your incompetent ass: He wants the bad ones gone and the good ones accounted for. Nothing wrong about that!

"annul all the gay people's marriages": Trump is actually pro-gay marriage. He said he wouldn't bother with the court ruling last Summer. A completely unfounded claim on your part to make you look like the victim you aren't. Typical liberal crying "oppression". You want to see REAL oppression/killings towards gays? Go see Saudi Arabia or Iran.

"personal autonomy": Okay, so you are telling me that killing a (undeniably separate genetic) baby for personal convenience is personal autonomy? ALL life matters. Millions are aborted every year, even kicking and screaming as they are ripped out of the womb in the case of late-term abortions. As the son of a doctor and a medical student myself, I can tell you that life DOES begin at conception. And given that simple truth, the taking of an innocent life is MURDER. If you don't want a baby stop having so much sex, period. Don't kill it.
The conservative CATO Institute just came out with a study; white people are responsible for 73% of terrorism in America.

The liberal commie pinko media reports on the Muslim violence 445% more than white terrorism.

You've been shagged and you're sucking the corporate marketing cock, cuck.

And most people who call others snowflakes are themselves pretty fragile, so perhaps a little critical self reflection is in order.


Well-Known Member
The conservative CATO Institute just came out with a study; white people are responsible for 73% of terrorism in America.

The liberal commie pinko media reports on the Muslim violence 445% more than white terrorism.

You've been shagged and you're sucking the corporate marketing cock, cuck.

And most people who call others snowflakes are themselves pretty fragile, so perhaps a little critical self reflection is in order.

Lol, completely oblivious to what's going on around you.