The Criminal Jew


Well-Known Member

i will be flooding their stupid tipline non-stop with my complaints about european invaders slaughtering natives, as well as a slovenian whore stealing our taxpayer dollars to live in a golden sky palace.

Sure beats putting out an effort to care for your wife and coming baby.


Well-Known Member

i will be flooding their stupid tipline non-stop with my complaints about european invaders slaughtering natives, as well as a slovenian whore stealing our taxpayer dollars to live in a golden sky palace.
Master bedroom complete with drain.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member

i will be flooding their stupid tipline non-stop with my complaints about european invaders slaughtering natives, as well as a slovenian whore stealing our taxpayer dollars to live in a golden sky palace.
I might actually do that myself.

"Hey, I'd like to report an immigration crime. 200 years ago, this government killed off some of my ancestors and sent the rest West of the Mississippi in the dead of winter with blankets infected with smallpox, and I think it's time you get the fuck off our land."