

Well-Known Member
I see where you're coming from, but think about were taught what's right & wrong correct? So if you say something is dead wrong isn't that just really an opinion. Who makes the rules? Are there rules? All I'm trying to say is everyone should decide for themselves what is right & wrong. In the end there is no right or wrong - it's just a ride. Right & wrong are just illusions - listen to your heart & inner voice - they won't steer you wrong in my opinion.
No, maybe some things are a matter of opinion, but no, extreme rights and wrongs are NOT. Rape is wrong. Murder is wrong. Child abuse is wrong. Obviously not everyone thinks they are, because we have plenty of rapists, murderers and child abusers, but it doesn't matter what their opinions are, it's still wrong.

Everyone should decide for themselves what is right and wrong? So what do you do about the people who decide it's right to sexually abuse children? Some of those people honestly believe they LOVE the kids they abuse. Does them deciding it's right for them make it right?

No, it doesn't. I'm not saying all things are clearly divided into right and wrong, but I'm saying that right and wrong are NOT illusions, because some things are VERY wrong, no matter who you are or what you think.

the common stereotype of pot users is that we're dirty filthy assholes that will do anyting to get their hands on some bud. or at least that's what I imagine about people who don't smoke or haven't smoked. I'm pretty sure that's one of the reason pot is illegal, because it supposedly makes us crazy and lethal. soo you know...stealing and all that other goes under those categories to some....
That's a pot stereotype? Where are you at? Because I've never heard that kinda thing around HERE. Around here that's generally a tweaker/crack head stereotype.


Well-Known Member
That's a pot stereotype? Where are you at? Because I've never heard that kinda thing around HERE. Around here that's generally a tweaker/crack head stereotype.
I live in the middle of places that are anti-pot to the extreme. most people here really hate pot and will freak the fuck out if they know someone that smokes it. but there are some people who are really chill with's petty rediculous. and sorry for answering your rhetorical question haha.


Well-Known Member
anything that fits in my pocket and can have the security tag removed easily is free

how do i rationalize this?

because of the ridiculous mark ups im paying for the stuff im buying


New Member
steal from your government and no one else. After all they have stolen so much of our money and blown it away

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Have you ever had to beg?It's humiliating and dehumanizing.And many of these charitable institutions preach at you and make you feel like shit.
I never like the "stealing to eat" because I have never, ever, ever seen someone turned away by ever single homeless shelter and church in town.


Well-Known Member
See I'm kinda double sided on this since i did it alot when i was a kid, but now it dont say its wrong I just dont do it.

And by wrong I mean from friends, fam, and ya girl.


New Member
The only thing I steal is makeup and sleeping pills .... Sleep MD is like 20 bucks and there is no way I'm spending that much. . and I steal makeup cuz I hate the thought of spending a lot of money on something like that but I still want it. lol. . Idk maybe I'm a bad person but I sure don't feel bad after I do it..One day I might get caught but it's unlikely because I'm slick and I don't do it that often anyway..
I stole money from my parents when I was younger and I felt really bad about that and I ended up spillin the truth to them and never did it again ...

These were my confessions .... :D


New Member
I never like the "stealing to eat" because I have never, ever, ever seen someone turned away by ever single homeless shelter and church in town.
Have you ever had to beg?It's humiliating and dehumanizing.And many of these charitable institutions preach at you and make you feel like shit.
He has never had to beg for anything, his rich ass mommy and daddy brought him up right and now he "owns 2 cars, pays a mortgage, and is married",,, mommy and daddy look after little matthew,, and so do all his conservative friends.

and saying shit like "I have never, ever, ever seen someone turned away by ever single homeless shelter and church in town" makes him look like a liar because abviously this dude doesnt go to every shelter in town and watch to see if people get turned away.
what do you mean by that? how do you know what goes on inside homeless shelters in cities like detroit, l.a., new york, washington? you have no fucking clue because you grew up in the "hills" with mommy and dadyy by your side at every minute... weak

Or corporations:D walmart:D.
How can I steal from the gov? I dont file taxes nothings in my name except for 1 phone
I cant tell you that! this is a public forum! you never know who's watching ;)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I don't know if that's what he meant.Matthew isn't a basher, though.I'll wait and see what he says.I wasn't attacking, just asking.
He has never had to beg for anything, his rich ass mommy and daddy brought him up right and now he "owns 2 cars, pays a mortgage, and is married",,, mommy and daddy look after little matthew,, and so do all his conservative friends.

and saying shit like "I have never, ever, ever seen someone turned away by ever single homeless shelter and church in town" makes him look like a liar because abviously this dude doesnt go to every shelter in town and watch to see if people get turned away.
what do you mean by that? how do you know what goes on inside homeless shelters in cities like detroit, l.a., new york, washington? you have no fucking clue because you grew up in the "hills" with mommy and dadyy by your side at every minute... weak

I cant tell you that! this is a public forum! you never know who's watching ;)


Well-Known Member
I would rather just share my stuff. Honestly I have a lot of nice crap but things have happened and i've had experiences that have allowed me to see real value. People are often surprised by me, I caught one guy stealing my laptop and I ran up and gave him the power cord (he forgot to steal that). I don't steal though nothing really worth stealing in my opinion. Just my 2 cents :peace:


Well-Known Member
I would rather just share my stuff. Honestly I have a lot of nice crap but things have happened and i've had experiences that have allowed me to see real value. People are often surprised by me, I caught one guy stealing my laptop and I ran up and gave him the power cord (he forgot to steal that). I don't steal though nothing really worth stealing in my opinion. Just my 2 cents :peace:

I'm sorry, but I couldn't run up and give him the power cord....