Wake n' Bake

Ah, no wonder, last post in that thread was 2 years ago

I got a few ladies in flower just over a week in...

View attachment 3932691

Uh oh.... images not working right now.... oh well another song then

Oh lookie,my image

Looks good! I still have to get that table done LOL! I've been testing my last table instead. Turned out nice enough I can't get motivated to get my ass up there and get the next table ready. Ahh the pitfalls of pot farming!

Today is going to be a nice day! I just took my first couple hits of @lahadaextranjera's Jamaican Dream, yup good day.
Looks good! I still have to get that table done LOL! I've been testing my last table instead. Turned out nice enough I can't get motivated to get my ass up there and get the next table ready. Ahh the pitfalls of pot farming!

Today is going to be a nice day! I just took my first couple hits of @lahadaextranjera's Jamaican Dream, yup good day.
Did I hear JD? I think I did!? Hope you like it! Any pics?
It's definitely one of those weeks... it's amazing how sitting behind a desk can ware you down... I used to think I had rough running around buildings chasing rats. Lol

Salad bowl for breakfast