molasses in hydroponics??


Active Member
just a quick question, some people ive heard say it messed up the dwc with clogged pumps, but others say different. any clarifications?

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Plants can not use sugars as a nutrient. This is one of the most persistent wives tales in cannabis growing. Sugars will feed pathogens in your grow, not the plants.

Never put molasses or any other sugar in a hydro system.


Well-Known Member
Plants can not use sugars as a nutrient. This is one of the most persistent wives tales in cannabis growing. Sugars will feed pathogens in your grow, not the plants.

Never put molasses or any other sugar in a hydro system.
Agreed, molasses is a myth.


Well-Known Member
Plants can not use sugars as a nutrient. This is one of the most persistent wives tales in cannabis growing. Sugars will feed pathogens in your grow, not the plants.

Never put molasses or any other sugar in a hydro system.
I completely agree with these statements. I've gone round and round debating this topic and there is no peer reviewed white paper to support the molasses claim.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
molasses works just make sure its backstrap, organic
There's absolutely no evidence sugars do anything other than feed pathogens. You've provided nothing to support your case.

Smart growers will keep lots of distance between their op and sugars.


Active Member
So then Carbo load products are no good? I was at my local hydro store the other day and tasted some Tomatoes that were on Botanicaire product called sweet and they were the best I've ever tasted.

The smell of this product is also very pleasent, it has a candy smell.

Botanicare : Product Overview : Nutrients

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
So then Carbo load products are no good?
Nope. That's 'magic sauce' #1 on my list. It was a product I believe was introduced to fill a need created by a common cannabis growing myth.
I was at my local hydro store the other day and tasted some Tomatoes that were on Botanicaire product called sweet and they were the best I've ever tasted.
gee, that's nice. Did they have some tomatoes there that were not grown with the magic sauce they were trying to sell you, so you had some valid basis for comparison? No? Doesn't sound like you know more than you did when you walked in. At least you got a snack, though. ;)

BTW, cannabis plants, while they are distant cousins of tomatoes, are not tomatoes. Use great care when transferring tomato growing wisdom to cannabis. Good enough for Uncle Bob in 1972, but we can do better. With cannabis, you're not growing a fruit, you're growing a flower comprised of small (empty) seed bracts and at the end of the day, you really only want the frosty resin globules that dot the bracts.

The flavour of smoked cannabis comes from characters in the resin, which doesn't contain any sugars made by the plant, unlike a tomato plant, which will use some in the formation of the tomato fruits. Cellulose is the material that comprises the vegetable mass of the plant. Any sugars the cannabis plant makes are converted to cellulose to build the structure of the plant.

The smell of this product is also very pleasent, it has a candy smell.
I love the smell of 2-stroke exhaust. I don't run my dirt bike in the grow room, tho. Well, not much, anyway... :lol:


Well-Known Member
So then Carbo load products are no good? I was at my local hydro store the other day and tasted some Tomatoes that were on Botanicaire product called sweet and they were the best I've ever tasted.

The smell of this product is also very pleasent, it has a candy smell.

Botanicare : Product Overview : Nutrients
"SWEET" Contains Sulpher and magnesium to accomplish this taste boost during flower the product "sweet" is fine.

edit:and contains no sugars (carbos)

P0t Sm0k3r

Active Member
Plants can not use sugars as a nutrient. This is one of the most persistent wives tales in cannabis growing. Sugars will feed pathogens in your grow, not the plants.

Never put molasses or any other sugar in a hydro system.

Hey Al.

Whats the difference between Molassas and Sweet Leaf.

Sweat Leaf contains:

And this is Grandmas Molassas

One cup of molasses contains just 0.3 grams of fat, no cholesterol, no protein and 977 calories from, you guessed it, carbohydrates. Sugar.

It also has some important minerals:

Calcium 691 mg, 69%
Iron 15.9 mg, 88%
Magnesium 816 mg, 204%
Phosphorus 104, mg 10%
Potassium 4933 mg, 141%
Sodium 125 mg, 5%
Zinc 1.0 mg, 7%
Copper 1.6 mg, 82%
Manganese 5.2, mg 258%
Selenium 60.0 mcg, 86%

One serving of two teaspoons contains 32 calories and the following minerals:

manganese 0.36 mg, 18.0 %
copper 0.28 mg, 14.0 %
iron 2.39 mg, 13.3 %
calcium 117.53 mg, 11.8 %
potassium 340.57 mg, 9.7 %
magnesium 29.38 mg, 7.3 %
selenium 2.43 mcg, 3.5 %

Pardon My ignorance.

Im not trying to start an argument, just tring to learn.

And why not use in hydro systems.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Hey Al.

Whats the difference between Molassas and Sweet Leaf.
Not much! :D

If there's sugars in a particular product, it does not belong in a cannabis grow.

The listed nutrients are already present in any good hydroponic nutrient mix.

And why not use in hydro systems.
Plants can't use sugars as a nutrient. The only thing that sugars will do in a hydro op is gack things up and feed pathogens.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
"SWEET" Contains Sulpher and magnesium to accomplish this taste boost during flower the product "sweet" is fine.

edit:and contains no sugars (carbos)
Sulfur will raise the pH of a nutrient solution- keep an eye on that if you use this product.

A lot of hydro ops benefit from a little added Mg, but that's as cheap and easy as a few grams of Epsom Salts per 100L. Use care, though, as it's easily possible to induce Mg toxicity since your nutes and tapwater will already have plenty of Mg. I would not add any Mg unless I was sure my pH was right and I was concurrently seeing an Mg def.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Al, Sweet came with my Botanicare set up, and my Tap is RICH in minerals at over 400ppm so I think I'll drop the sweet :)

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Hydro shop owners would all jump out of 10th story windows at once if just how little you really need to grow great plants ever became common knowledge.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Well, I must admit that I finally gave in and tried Sweet. I was interested because it's main ingredients are citric acid and cane sugar. I remember reading an excellent paper 10 years ago on combining those 2 in your res, so I bought a gallon of the stuff.

Didn't notice any difference when using it, and haven't noticed a difference since I've stopped.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
thats a pretty scientific way to know for sure. you tried it and it made no difference except to your wallet.
and any product that doesnt add to the wallet is a bad product