Hey Guys! What's wrong with my plant?

Noticed leaf discoloration starting from the tips and side and working its way into the leafs. Wasn't on Nutes yet, so figuring it was an NPK defiency I gave it some nutes today. What do you guys think? Is it a defiency and if so what kind? Thanks for any help or information!

Do you think she will die?
Shes about a month old Feminized Northern Lights



Well-Known Member
Well .... first .... She will die ............................. Eventually.

But seriously , it seems you have been overwatering at some point by the look of the topsoil / perlite.

What appears it seems to be a phosporus lockout.

What is your medium ?
Your water and ph ?
What nutes are you using ?
And grow room conditions ...


Well-Known Member
Well .... first .... She will die ............................. Eventually.

But seriously , it seems you have been overwatering at some point by the look of the topsoil / perlite.

What appears it seems to be a phosporus lockout.

What is your medium ?
Your water and ph ?
What nutes are you using ?
And grow room conditions ...
Thought the same thing. May be devoluping root.problems
Well .... first .... She will die ............................. Eventually.

But seriously , it seems you have been overwatering at some point by the look of the topsoil / perlite.

What appears it seems to be a phosporus lockout.

What is your medium ?
Your water and ph ?
What nutes are you using ?
And grow room conditions ...
Some Organic Soil not Miracle Grow bullshit... I use purified water with Jacks Classic All Purpose 20-20-20. Dont know ph tbh, was too expensive to buy at the time. Temps around 79-84 and Humidity 40%


Well-Known Member
Root rot. Happens when the roots never get a dry period. Rot messes with ph and Nutrient uptake


Well-Known Member
Cant really tell for sure in soil untill they die. Let the soil fully dry between waterings. Shouldnt be deficiencies in organic soil that early unless caused by the overwatering. When you do water next time use hygrozyme or a simular product. Future note . under water plants wilt. They pull out of it in a few hours. Over watering kills. Try not to let them wilt but dry spells are good for them.
Cant really tell for sure in soil untill they die. Let the soil fully dry between waterings. Shouldnt be deficiencies in organic soil that early unless caused by the overwatering. When you do water next time use hygrozyme or a simular product. Future note . under water plants wilt. They pull out of it in a few hours. Over watering kills. Try not to let them wilt but dry spells are good for them.
Can I dig up the roots and check if they're brown? and thanks for the info bro!


Well-Known Member
You gotta PH your water and your feeding mix .... Purified water means nothing.

A PH pen can be had on FLEABAY for around $15.
Your having problems because you are just throwing feed at it and not knowing where it falls so it can uptake what it needs. I use tap water without issue ( as long as i ph it ) .

At the stage she is at , will not need heavy feeding , if at all early on. I would look into what amendments are made up in your soil . Sometimes there are components that will start a young plant without much help. As it ROOTS and begins to setup ... THEN you can introduce a 1/8 strength or 1/2 strength to start veg.

Pick up your pot , if it feels heavy then it is wet. Wait a few days and lift again. It should feel lighter. Just dont drown pot at every feeding or watering. No need to FLOOD container , just enough for plant. If to wet , root rot , root suffication can happen. Fungus gnats / mildew / PM and a whole shitload of issues.
