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I don't feel as though pregnancy has wrecked my body inside and out, i have some scars from my kids, they are absolutely beautiful , and my husband agrees,"theloadeddragon" some from my first, and some from the second, which is his. he is dad "papa" to the first. I was sick for all nine months with the second 3 months with the first. I didn't mind, in the end of all that there is my children. I hear some troubles and pain. To hear a mother say she didn't like to be pregnant, what greater joy is there to feel that arm, leg inside your own body, uncomfortable,yes, stressful, emotional,What are these horrible things? That they can just walk away and often do? That if they want a choice in the matter they should keep better track of their semen? That they really don't know how much a pregancy wrecks a female body from the inside out?
None of these things are horrible, they are truths. You apparently can't handle the truth. It would seem to me that you are embarressed to belong to the gender that tries to oppress the female gender.
Abortion is about men trying to control women. Sorry but it is what it is.
Abortion should be the choice of a the woman, and no one else, they should not be forced.
And to this subject on when Life begins, if a woman trying to conceive a child with her husband, let's say 2 weeks after conception, (too soon to really know without an ultrasound) she is stabbed in the uterus, the embryo is killed, she lives, there was a baby that was trying to be conceived knowingly. Can this woman put the person that stabbed her on trial for murder?
I believe Life Begins when the DNA is combined, sperm enters the egg.
seed begins to sprout with water.