What do you miss the most ... from the 70's

I miss the perpetual supply of food that I sucked out of my Mom's teets. Now they try and bust me with sexual harassment when I try to get some fresh mother's milk.
The good old days when there was an ashtray at the end of each grocery store aisle. Smoking cigarettes anywhere you pleased was your God given right. Strange times.
You call em strange times. I call em good times. I remember having to sit near the rear smoking seats on domestic flights and choking on second hand cigarette smoke. Thank God that changed. Most restaurants and night clubs are now smoke free too. Yup...good times.
Summer camp up north where lounge owners rented to campers during summer and did a daytime roller disco for campers.
Camping = excuse for teenagers to terrorizing the the neighborhood
Getting stoned and drunk , possibly laid
Building excessively large fires

That is why we camped on a remote island in a giant ass lake.

Maybe even catch a fish

Man, I would have to be pretty stoned to wanna sit there waiting for a fish too bite.

Get in a fight or three.

See, you were not stoned enough, maybe too much booze?

Steal some watermelons

Very cool. They do not grow well around here AFAIK, but tame raspberries are quite plentiful

Chased by the cops

LOL, I had to save the best for last because it painted such a hilarious picture in my head. Being chased by the cops in a canoe brings a whole new level to the "Canadian Police chase" satire. FWIW, they would need a motorized craft to keep up with us.
That is why we camped on a remote island in a giant ass lake.

Man, I would have to be pretty stoned to wanna sit there waiting for a fish too bite.

See, you were not stoned enough, maybe too much booze?

Very cool. They do not grow well around here AFAIK, but tame raspberries are quite plentiful

LOL, I had to save the best for last because it painted such a hilarious picture in my head. Being chased by the cops in a canoe brings a whole new level to the "Canadian Police chase" satire. FWIW, they would need a motorized craft to keep up with us.

Chased by the cops.

One time on an island in the middle of the river me and my best bud ( around midnight ) had just finished a large dobbie when out of the dark steps a very large man with a gun in his hand, I say RUN and my buddy takes off like a jack rabbit 5-10 minutes later he and the large man return ( wild life official ) both laughing and the officer asked me why I screamed run and I said bc we're on a island where the f... are we going to go . He was not entertained by my antics .
LOL, that was hilarious. I like the way you think. :twisted:

We ran into one of those wild life officials once, but with a cooler full of food and no weapons or gear he was confident we were not hunting or fishing. It was really just all about the canoeing for us.