Well-Known Member
Me n Cat are into dabs now..lovin the shit out of it too, long as I don't try too long of a
You call em strange times. I call em good times. I remember having to sit near the rear smoking seats on domestic flights and choking on second hand cigarette smoke. Thank God that changed. Most restaurants and night clubs are now smoke free too. Yup...good times.The good old days when there was an ashtray at the end of each grocery store aisle. Smoking cigarettes anywhere you pleased was your God given right. Strange times.
Camping = excuse for teenagers to terrorizing the the neighborhood
Getting stoned and drunk , possibly laid
Building excessively large fires
Maybe even catch a fish
Get in a fight or three.
Steal some watermelons
Chased by the cops
That is why we camped on a remote island in a giant ass lake.
Man, I would have to be pretty stoned to wanna sit there waiting for a fish too bite.
See, you were not stoned enough, maybe too much booze?
Very cool. They do not grow well around here AFAIK, but tame raspberries are quite plentiful
LOL, I had to save the best for last because it painted such a hilarious picture in my head. Being chased by the cops in a canoe brings a whole new level to the "Canadian Police chase" satire. FWIW, they would need a motorized craft to keep up with us.