Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**


Well-Known Member
I have my popcorn out it is gonna be a while...
It will be a while, we agree on one thing. It will be a while as the GOP has no balls nor spine, soul or heart... it will take taking control away from Trumps minions in congress.

So hypothetical here:

So roles reversed you guys would be ok with this type of behavior? Yawl wouldnt think independent investigators are necessary, that theres nothing even suspucious in her behavior and her pawns seeming amnesia over their meetings with russians? You would be okay if a President Hillary shared intelligence we haven't shared with our allies, with russia? You would be okay with that? Because she could just declassify anything she want and thats legal.... you wouldnt be in all out political war over that? You seriously would be okay with alternate facts offered by a Clinton White House? You would be okay with a President Hillary hiring a foreign agent for nsa director? Whom forgot to mention he was.... yawl would see no issues here roles reversed? You would just be opposing her on policy is all, right?


Well-Known Member
It will be a while, we agree on one thing. It will be a while as the GOP has no balls nor spine, soul or heart... it will take taking control away from Trumps minions in congress.

So hypothetical here:

So roles reversed you guys would be ok with this type of behavior? Yawl wouldnt think independent investigators are necessary, that theres nothing even suspucious in her behavior and her pawns seeming amnesia over their meetings with russians? You would be okay if a President Hillary shared intelligence we haven't shared with our allies, with russia? You would be okay with that? Because she could just declassify anything she want and thats legal.... you wouldnt be in all out political war over that? You seriously would be okay with alternate facts offered by a Clinton White House? You would be okay with a President Hillary hiring a foreign agent for nsa director? Whom forgot to mention he was.... yawl would see no issues here roles reversed? You would just be opposing her on policy is all, right?
i'm pretty sure they'd calmly and rationally explain, with no misogyny or sexism whatsoever, why it is all legal if hillary does it.


Well-Known Member
Oh and you would see nothing wrong with her vacationing every weekend... nor would it bother you she hired her daugher and son in law as closest advisors... you would not be bothered nor suspucious of her motives in firing the fbi director who was currently in the heat of an investigation of her campaigns handle of emails? And if she confessed on tv for all the world to see she did do it "because that email thing is a made up story" was why she fired him you would say, " sure she technically has the power to do that so motive doesnt matter" you would accept that oou of a Hillary Clinton White House without a protest, without alarm????

I call BS if you Trumpers claimed you would be fine if a President Hillary did these things....


Well-Known Member
Nor would it bother you she snubs our allies, you would not be wondering why she was calling and complimenting autocrats, and letting them visit the Oval Office, "sure any ol time" is Hillarys policy and you would beleive that normal political behavior just by someone you have policy differences with...


Well-Known Member
Oh and you would see nothing wrong with her vacationing every weekend... nor would it bother you she hired her daugher and son in law as closest advisors... you would not be bothered nor suspucious of her motives in firing the fbi director who was currently in the heat of an investigation of her campaigns handle of emails? And if she confessed on tv for all the world to see she did do it "because that email thing is a made up story" was why she fired him you would say, " sure she technically has the power to do that so motive doesnt matter" you would accept that oou of a Hillary Clinton White House without a protest, without alarm????

I call BS if you Trumpers claimed you would be fine if a President Hillary did these things....
they won't reply to any of your questions because they are deeply insecure boys who are afraid of women laughing at their small penises. none of them have ever brought a omwan to orgasm, ever.


Well-Known Member
Here's a reply.
Your a dick, and anybody that glorifies their idiocy by proclaiming that they support Trump and his actions is a fucking idiot, and anyone that comes on this site simply to provoke negative reactions to their comments, is a fucking asshole, and you are all of the mentioned. Did I just make you happy, and satisfied, you troll fuck?



Well-Known Member
You don't have a life. You have some excuse to exist, like on this site, that makes you happy because you like the abuse
Like getting tied up, and whipped much? I bet you love it, because you sound like a bitch that loves the pain of a good ass fuck.
You do, don't you?

Oh my!! :shock:


Well-Known Member
she lost, get over it.

now you get to defend a dumb racist until he resigns or is impeached.

remember when you got outsmarted by a klansman?
who's defending whom here ? im not even sure if you are male or female now,straight or lezbo,im just tryin to come down to your level of stupidity and play fun time like ya'all do here all damn day.
thats what happens when the left loses a vote lol ^^^^^