Your out to lunch and the restaurant is closed. Fuck you and your knee dropping attitude.
You have good honest cannabis people to thank who have gone the mile to make this what it is today.
Your two weeks has taught you nothing but how to be somebody's little bitch. You go ahead and do what you're told by your masters. The one's who just found this party and now want to make it ALL theirs. They had no trouble ruining lives for the last 50-60 years but now see the money and changed that attitude. Ya charged into how do we steal all the cash from the "criminals " as they call them .Who the fuck is the criminal here buddy? You are, by supporting even the idea that they are ok...Snivelling little cowards is all that type is.
Bypassing decent folks who have struggled with the oppression from an ignorant law touting greed bag society you call the government. They were quite content to throw us all in jail and still are. And you side with them??? What kind of weak kneed wimp are ya anyway? Ya just do anything your told? Anyway your type makes me sick the way you just roll over and beg for your meds.
Go buy some BM weed and do your community a favor. Believe me, the dollars go way further in your own home town than they do with your hero's the LP's. Who graciously employ folks for a little above minimum wage and keep all the profit for their dirty rich friends.
Surprised it took you so long to show up. So far off base I'm not even going to bother.
You're both in first place together!
But no one else is even in the race..
And btw.. I thank fucking god I don't and didn't have to rely on people like you 2 to further legalization.. The inability to comprehend what you're reading and make semi-valid or even remotely relevant arguments on point would really do well in dispelling the myth on the effect of cannabis on brain cells...
Seriously it would be funny if every casual reader on this forum didn't already know these 2 retards will ruin every thread or discussion before anyone joins..
Losers plain and simple lol its too funny
Already did this half of today with GB and displayed his utter fucktardery, not going to do it with you too. Just go back and imagine you're him k? No time for it