Apoctoliptco grow journal(first grow)


Well-Known Member
Okay so here we go,
This apoctoliptco is my first grow ever.I am not jumping onto this Completely blind I have done my fare share or research and I got the equipment and supplies needed to make my first grow successful.
KIMG0016.JPG dropped seed in glass of water I will be back to check in 24hrs.


Well-Known Member
24hrs larter the seed was still floating so I tapped it and it sunk right to the bottom.I will let it soak 24 more hrs before I begin the Paper towel method.


Well-Known Member
KIMG0027.JPG The seed seemed to look good on the bottom of the glass.So,I moved forward with the paper towel method.When it develops a nice tap root I will transplant.KIMG0027.JPG


Well-Known Member
It has not sprouted yet.I made sure the pellet was still good and moist and I will check on it tomorrow.


Once you get some roots growing out of the pellet get some root powder on them and let the transplanting begin! Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
Okay,it has started to sprout.I can see the stock but the leaves haven't come out of the ground.It looks as if I might not have placed the tap root in the pellet hole quite right because how it looks like the top leaves are stuck under ground.
All in all I think it should be fine.I just moistened it a little bit more with some, "drops" water and will keep my eye on it.


Well-Known Member
It has sprouted now I will check on it periodically to let it dry out when it is dry enough without being overly dry I will spray it with spray bottle until moist/damp/slightly wet.
I will continue this until it is time to transplant and move on to veg



Well-Known Member
I'm starting to see roots.The roots are barely there so I will hold off on transplanting for now.I will be keeping a watchful eye on the roots because I want to transplant at just the right time.
All in all the grow is going as planned.I will be starting the nutes soon as I get it transanted.So far,all I have used is water with ph 6.0 - 6.5.


Well-Known Member
Everything is going well I went ahead and transplanted on Wednesday (6-7-17)
And I started it on Golden Tree and plant enzymes by "Humboldts Secret" to help with the shock and to promote growth.



Well-Known Member
I am going to be topping it today also it is on its 6th node I will be taking the top node it is just growing in.


Well-Known Member
I made the cut but I took a top leaf with it.Here is a photo.Now I have to find a forum to help me with this bad cut.The topping of the plant is fine just want to know about how much recovery time I might of added by getting that top leaf like thatKIMG0071.JPG KIMG0072.JPG


Well-Known Member
I transplanted it today to a 2 gallon fabric pot.Followed that up by watering with 1/2 a gallon of ro water mixed in call/mag,then the golden tree,last the plant enzymes ( Don't know if I should be using the plant enzymes in soil?)but I am. The water was pHed to 6.2.It is lights out right now so I will take and post how it looks after the transplanting when the lights come back on..



Well-Known Member
Looking good man got some really nice tight noding, what light do you have them under? Mine are currently 600 metal halide. Yours are comparable to mine i started may 5th but much nicer structure. Keep up the good work :clap: