not looking good

that is why I said to make sure your main breaker is off then the power does not leave your house. I know it is not the right way but in a emergency it does work.
well, friends,...there are about 10-12 properties just upstream that have been evacuated...the lake is slowly on the rise again...officials advise of continuing levels to rise for the next 2-3 weeks...the dam at the border is opened fully, but it ain't keeping up...still have dry feet tho...thanks for asking....appreciate it!!!

Lowland is a bitch. We had to pour concrete pads and use cinder blocks when we built our cottage way back when. A lot of the ground around it was sandy loam, very spongy when flooded, hollow sounding during a drought. I hope for you to keep dry and be spared the need to cleanup a big water mess.
There is still hope Mojo...this dude adapted.....hopefully this does not become you..


.any news on the water levels?
they are about 3-4 ft...I have my guy taking cuttings incase we get drowned out...water gose down, we plant again...smaller crop, but better than room to pull and relocate 28 plants...we'll see...;))

an update....wife just got home from work...left this am @6:45...water was at the front road edge...I went out at 10:30 am...3 inches of water across the road...officials say 2 weeks rising before it starts to drop....grrrrrrr
