that is why I said to make sure your main breaker is off then the power does not leave your house. I know it is not the right way but in a emergency it does work.
nope...the water is starting to crest the shoreline...I have about 200 ft from the lake and about a 10 inch I suppose....thanks friends...)
well, friends,...there are about 10-12 properties just upstream that have been evacuated...the lake is slowly on the rise again...officials advise of continuing levels to rise for the next 2-3 weeks...the dam at the border is opened fully, but it ain't keeping up...still have dry feet tho...thanks for asking....appreciate it!!!
So happy to hear the flood waters have not reached you. I would be going crazy trying to stop it, sandbags, dig a moat, something. I really hope it does not come to that for you. Stay high and dry.
haven't lost any more beach....but its for sandbags...not really applicable here...the water rises out of the ground...sand bag around the house, and the water will still come up...its life in the lowlands....ty for the thoughts!!!
Lowland is a bitch. We had to pour concrete pads and use cinder blocks when we built our cottage way back when. A lot of the ground around it was sandy loam, very spongy when flooded, hollow sounding during a drought. I hope for you to keep dry and be spared the need to cleanup a big water mess.
Well at least your still dry Mojo...maybe by some stroke of luck you will be spared. At least as of right now no damage has occurred yet. Which means there is hope.
Pulling for ya Bro
at this time of year they cant be to big
Im sure if you had to you could dig them up and transplant them above ground for a while..
better than losing the entire year mr! just sayin
they are about 3-4 ft...I have my guy taking cuttings incase we get drowned out...water gose down, we plant again...smaller crop, but better than room to pull and relocate 28 plants...we'll see...)
an update....wife just got home from work...left this am @6:45...water was at the front road edge...I went out at 10:30 am...3 inches of water across the road...officials say 2 weeks rising before it starts to drop....grrrrrrr