Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

There is none.
Pretty much figured that was the case since nobody will post any evidence whatsoever.

Did you even get a light sentence? I don't even know what you where actually caught with just about moving weed through the mail which is no worse than getting caught selling in a lot of states. I've seen one kid get probation for a pound of weed with a good lawyer of course.
So no one is bothered by a bunch of Russian special forces hanging out at a Trump property in Florida?
First time I heard of that. Is that a crime though? I'm pretty sure I can legally hang out with Russian soldiers I should even be able to chill with Putin.

You know Denis Rodman visited Kim?
Pretty much figured that was the case since nobody will post any evidence whatsoever.

Did you even get a light sentence? I don't even know what you where actually caught with just about moving weed through the mail which is no worse than getting caught selling in a lot of states. I've seen one kid get probation for a pound of weed with a good lawyer of course.

I got 3 years. The people that I am falsely accused of telling on got 8 months. Not much more really needs to be said. It kind of speaks for itself.
I got 3 years. The people the I am falsely accused if telling on got 8 months. Not much more really needs to be said. It kind of speaks for itself.
Why tell at all. You got the most for being the dumbest snitch. Hell have you ever heard of not speaking until you have a lawyer with you. Tell us about the phone calls you made trying to set people up. Did the FEDS force you to do that ?