Current is the flow of electrons..
Voltage is the potential difference between 2 points in a circuit..
In your diagram the ohms or resistance is the object bottle necking the circuit, slowing the current..
Now your correct that voltage "drives" current, but dosent actually push it..
Current flows through a circuit depending on the resistance in the circuit..
E = I x R
You can have voltage without current..
Cobs themselves have a set fv.. Ie.36,50,72v... But the current that is feed to them will change fv slightly...
But this isnt true for all chips.. Cree cxb3590's seem to stay at 36v regardless of the amperage.. Or so people say on here, i run veros as well not crees so i cant say 100%...
I am an electrician by trade... All this was 1st year stuff..
Here is the direct relationship between fv and current through our chips
I do apologize if i came off as an asshole in my earlier post.. I see lots of people building rigs b4 doin their homework... Or just watching a single growmau5 video and thinking there electrical experts..
Here are some of my sour d's almost done..
