radicalized white stabs and kills two heroes on portland train


Well-Known Member
you lied.

a blatant, bald-faced, incontrovertible lie.

trump never tweeted what you said he did. so why did you lie?

and now you are lying about your lies.

you retarded sack of shit.
Hey what is the price for a used John Deere mower?


Well-Known Member
Hahahahaha!!! You are so fucking stupid. Profoundly. Biblically, even

Your replies are groundless and weak as you parrot sound bites you don't even understand. You strike me as very young. Someone might forgive your extreme youth.
He's an old guy sucking up medicate and ss disability.


Well-Known Member
Typical of the guy who never gets the joke, but laughs because he thinks he suppose to

You are such a waste of carbon