How to like a post

I've seen all around this forum about liking posts and threads but I cannot find any button to actually like any of the posts? am I not able to do that yet or just too stoned?

You have to become an Established Member. How?

You become an established member 48 hours after you register AND 3 different existing established members "Like" a post you wrote (asking users publicly or privately for "Likes" will get you banned).
Ah awesome thanks very much for that, glad its not just me being an idiot!

Thanks for the help, looking forward to contributing to this forum

And with GreatWhiteNorth's nod you are now two thirds of the way to Likesville USA.


How rude of me. "Likesville, Earth", I should have written.
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Almost as bad as Reddit where I could not post/add my testing notes to a topic until someone had upvoted me, but asking for first upvote gets me banned. I just wanted to share testing results from HDMI cables. :roll:
Almost as bad as Reddit where I could not post/add my testing notes to a topic until someone had upvoted me, but asking for first upvote gets me banned. I just wanted to share testing results from HDMI cables. :roll:
Actually reddit does have some free karma sub's, which is great cos if you happen to post something slightly disagreeable on reddit your karma is doomed.
I was looking all over for it too. It was like the virtual version of being so stoned that every time you leave the room you forget what you were going to do. :wall: