The Law of ordering and getting bagged

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Everyone has the same question of if you order seeds to the U.S. are you going to get bagged. Even I had this question, im just taking it a little further in hope that we can compile enough information to come up with a solid answer to end all those questions.

Now the ultimate question is will you get bagged? Now lets look at it from every angle.

As I understand if you order seeds and the U.S. government, discovers this, they will confiscate them as contraband. And you will get a letter in the mail telling you so and that is the end of it.

Now from another angle, I saw the title to a news article saying that a doctor in indiana was bagged for possession with his wife and the cops used seeds that were ordered to there house as there reason for the arrest or something like this. The article was deleted, but this is the link:

So what legal delimma does this cause? Can we be bagged later on for having ordered seeds?


None of "oh you get arrested for sure cause its illegal i know a guy" or vice versa


Well-Known Member
is it not iIIegaI to grow marjuana in every country.not just the u.s. is it iIIegaI in canada, europe, russia.??


Well-Known Member
sorry we dont wanna hear that shit either, Iike you dont ,capish, Iater dude .wat are you doing on a marijuana forum anyway, teIIing them thier breaking the Iaw,hahaha get a Iife.kiss-assbow down.


Well-Known Member
its not legal in canada if you wants to know.
back to your question now i think they used that against the Doctor only cuz hes a Doctor (important person)


Well-Known Member
No in the letter there says there will be no further action taken. And theres too many to go after so I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
I got a customs letter from a Dr. Chronic order and turned around and made other orders from a couple of different places, if that tells you anything. I'm sure my name is on a list somewhere but what am I gonna do, stop growin the kind and start payin $50 an eighth?? Shoot, That's how much I charge, not pay.


Well-Known Member
i guess i kind of see where your going here, just aIot of ppI coming on here teIIing us this and that , and not focusing wy i visit here. yes you get a Ietter , got one aIong time ago,WiII they pursue it ?no Why. it wouId cost the FederaI goveronment biIIions to go after any and evry contrab. that entered this country,. wiII marijuana seeds be the main focaI point for an arrest? No any contraband, from naiI cIippers that are not brought into this country for saIe without proper saIes and trading agreement to pest controI chemicaIs that did not pass epa standards not being properIy boxed proposing a threat . so there you go. contraband, is contraband . they know that if they arrested every person that vioIated any portion of the Iaw 20% of the U.S. wouId go to jaiI and open a can of worms it cant shut.:wall:unIess you are moving aIot of drugs or somethin of that nature.dea


Well-Known Member
In a couple of days this thread will get pushed off of page one and some newb will ask "Anyone ordering to the states even tho' it's illega?" "Anyone gotten busted ordering seeds to the states?" Even tho' there is 50 threads saying "I just got my seeds in the mail"


Well-Known Member
it's crazy how someone makes a thread on they got they seeds...
When theres already a thread about that seedbank that you can post in.
All of those threads are a waste of space.


Well-Known Member
it's crazy how someone makes a thread on they got they seeds...
When theres already a thread about that seedbank that you can post in.
All of those threads are a waste of space.
Iets get this straight , your in the seeds and strains dept. if your needing hep with a strain, we'II hep you, seeds to ,we"II do wat we can . poIitics and IegaI discous. scroII down pIease your in the wrong dept. theres ppI down there wiII argue aII day with you thank You ,,raiderman.....:sleep:


Active Member

None of "oh you get arrested for sure cause its illegal i know a guy" or vice versa
The article you quote isn't even post so how do you know the full details on it. Maybe they were speeding and got a ticket and the police discovered it.

Anyway as it was said before, there are just to many things going on for customs to target guy / kid who bought 10 seeds to grow in his closet. Possible? Yes! Likely? No. Do you remember after 911 they were showing the ports in NY and all the containers that came into the country that were NOT inspected. Think 10 seeds is worth all the man hours to slap someone on the wrist. If I were a betting man I would say NO WAY.

Order your seeds, knowing your doing something illegal. "Chances" of anything happening at this point in time are slim to none.

But I do know a guy who knows a guy who knows a girl....



Well-Known Member
Everyone has the same question of if you order seeds to the U.S. are you going to get bagged. Even I had this question, im just taking it a little further in hope that we can compile enough information to come up with a solid answer to end all those questions.

Now the ultimate question is will you get bagged? Now lets look at it from every angle.

As I understand if you order seeds and the U.S. government, discovers this, they will confiscate them as contraband. And you will get a letter in the mail telling you so and that is the end of it.

Now from another angle, I saw the title to a news article saying that a doctor in indiana was bagged for possession with his wife and the cops used seeds that were ordered to there house as there reason for the arrest or something like this. The article was deleted, but this is the link:

So what legal delimma does this cause? Can we be bagged later on for having ordered seeds?


None of "oh you get arrested for sure cause its illegal i know a guy" or vice versa
Why did cops use seeds to bust the guy anyway. Just assuming that he was a Doctor as stated that maybe he was doing something bigger than just buying seeds, and cops used this as their opening to go about doing their shit. The money don't add up you see. High taxpaying citizen, contributing to society, busted for a few hundred dollars worth of beans, to have the goverment now have to take care of his ass for 10's of thousands of $$$ a year. NO, someone was getting a promotion from this one, and I would suggest that you are safe unless you fit that criteria.


Well-Known Member
One thing that isn't being focused on here is the legality of the question. Yeah, there is the total volume issue, and also the problem that the DEA and Customs can't open an investigation on every individual that gets seeds ordered to them, let alone bust them later on. But there is a little bit more to it than that.

The cops can do whatever they want. Literally. The only thing that is stopping them is their supervisor and a court order issuing them to stop (as well as other cops stopping them from doing 100% illegal activities). If the DEA or Customs (which kindly all got bundled together under the name Homeland Defense, making it much easier for each of them to communicate between them) wanted to investigate you they could. The only issue is that it would cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars to investigate even a sample of the people that get confiscated, and the Feds arn't willing to put up that amount of capital.

However, it is much easier for them to turn it over to the locals, or even the state police for them to look into. This is totally legit. It doesn't happen often, from what I know, but it could very easily. NYPD doesn't really care about an order of 10 seeds, but a suburb of NY might.

Once you order the seeds, then an investigation would be open (if you were to be caught at all). More evidence would need to be gathered. If enough evidence presented itself (odd smells, neighbors testimony, your cash flow doesn't add up, high electricity bills, shady characters arriving at your house at odd hours, ect.) then they can get a court order for a search. The search warrant needs to specify the area of the house to be searched and the items that they are searching for. If they believe you are growing weed in the garage, and they find illegal guns in your bedroom, the guns will be confiscated and you can't be prosecuted for it, for example. This is the point when you are fucked. But if enough evidence doesn't present itself, nothing is stopping the police from knocking on your door to ask you a few questions. If you answer the door (of which you don't have to unless they have a warrant) and they see anything/smell anything they can then enter the house legit, and anything they find is fair game. And if a few 'grey area' cops think you are a drug dealer (even if you arn't) there is little from stopping them from saying they smelled some reefer when you answered the door, even if there wasn't. They can likewise do it for several other things, such as hearing a girl scream (and they suspect that she is in trouble or about to be raped) or a laundry list of other issues. If they then search your house and don't find anything, no harm no foul, but if they do then it's game over.

It isn't the ordering of seeds that usually gets people busted, or ever as far as I have seen. But the ordering of seeds can tip off the police into looking into you, and if other things present themselves, that can get you in trouble. So if you keep your head down you shouldn't ever have a problem, except for the freak occurrences, like a tornado taking off your roof.

That of course is not to say that if the cops pull you over, or search your person for weapons and finds some seeds that you won't get a citation for it, but in most cases it's only a misdemeanor, sometimes even just a fine.

As far as the Customs letter that everyone is referring to, don't be so at ease. The letter notifies you that your contraband has been confiscated and no further matters will be taken (i believe. I've read the letter before, but never gotten one myself). This doesn't mean that it's the end of it, it just means that it's the end of it IN REGARDS TO YOU ORDERING THOSE SEEDS. So you can still get caught later on, or they can open an investigation on you as a result.

That being said, I have ordered seeds on several occasions with no issues. I hope this helps.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
sorry we dont wanna hear that shit either, Iike you dont ,capish, Iater dude .wat are you doing on a marijuana forum anyway, teIIing them thier breaking the Iaw,hahaha get a Iife.kiss-assbow down.
Hey man I have no idea what your talking about, like seriously. That doesn't pertain to anything ive said. I am wondering where the law stands in the relations to what we do, so whos life am I trying to dictate.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
One thing that isn't being focused on here is the legality of the question. Yeah, there is the total volume issue, and also the problem that the DEA and Customs can't open an investigation on every individual that gets seeds ordered to them, let alone bust them later on. But there is a little bit more to it than that.

Very good points, just wanted to clarify the risks. Not so much the chances of getting caught more the reprecutions of actually getting caught but that was a sufficent answer.