That's just it; there's a concerted disinformation campaign that's been run against low information conservatives in this country over a long period of time. The Koch smokers foundations like the American Heritage Foundation, Enterprise Institute and the Cato Institute, Fix News, Breitbart, radio shows like Rush Limbaugh and the rest have all advanced an 'alternative facts' based universe of political discourse that very often does not reflect reality, and belief is heavily promoted in order to help inoculate the target consumer against those who would debate them with fact based arguments.
It's become something of a cult of disinformation, complete with social networks, political connections and the like that serve the interests of the donor class to the detriment of the much larger number of lower economic class consumer.
Attacking the beliefs is hard, using facts and data is ineffective.
It's reached the point where Right and Left find themselves getting frustrated because they speak the same language, yet the differing vocabulary and jargon create such a wide gap of understanding that fights break out more often than agreements on issues or policy.
I believe this is not a coincidence or a bug; it's a central feature benefiting those who disseminate the propaganda and those who subsidize it.