Since this is a learning thread, I want to update something. Someone asked before if we cover our SIPs, and I think my answer was 'only if I'm having gnat problems'. Well, I've found another reason to cover them.
I'm having high RH issues, it's been around 70% for most of the grow. If summer ever gets here and is anywhere near normal for Oregon, everything will dry out and this issue will disappear. But in the mean time, to try and avoid PM I've got a ton of air movement going on in there, and I have one of my intakes connected to a dehumidifier (and with all that and the room being @55%, the humidity is still high in the tent). I poked my finger into the edge of the soil, usually around 2" down I'll feel moisture -- this time I sunk my whole finger in and it was bone dry. So, I think the combination of air movement and dry air coming in is over-drying my fabric pots and all that moisture is going into the air.
Beating PM is all about not letting it start. So, as an additional precaution, this morning I cut up some 'tall kitchen' garbage bags and covered the pots and the top of the soil. Before doing that I took the opportunity to top water, and added a bunch of tea and some cal-mag. The canopy is way too thick, I just did another trim of small branches. Canopy density lends itself to PM, but with all the other precautions I've taken (including spraying GreenCure), removing bud sites will only happen if PM actually shows up. Summer here usually comes like someone flipped a switch, and then we have 3 months basically without rain. Looks like that is happening on Saturday so hopefully after that everything will even out.
These are a 10 week/flower strain, but it might be a short grow if they don't stop stretching. I can take out the final links above the lights and zip-tie them directly to the top bars of the tent, but that couple if inches is all I have left to raise them. After that I can super crop the tallest branches, and hope that is enough. Whatever will be, will be.