Well-Known Member
I will agree with you there, hence why I said unless there was a specific reason So you will just need to water/feed more often as the roots fill in the small home they have and you sex the plants out. You can just use the fish emulsion and you will be good to not waste the other stuff until you have your girls. When I am lazy sometimes for a week or two my girls will just get the fish emulsion and nothing else it keeps them happy and green.This makes sense because as soon as I started hitting them with a high dose of light they started to white out quick. I have given them very lite concentration of Alaskan fish emulsion one tsb per gal with roots organic hpk at one tsb per gal 2oz per gal of seaweed extract. This has helped with the green coming back to the plants.
theres not much in the 6x6 pots for food just store bought worm castings and promix and I am waiting on sex to show up cause I'm not wasting soil on something I'm not keeping.