Is it a Woman's Right to go topless in public?

Topless or Not

  • Nipples

    Votes: 33 82.5%
  • Not

    Votes: 7 17.5%

  • Total voters

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Down in Ocean City Maryland beach police were told by officials not to approach
topless sun bathers and ask them to cover their breasts.

Is it a woman's 'right' to let her puppies out for a tan or is it nudity?

A battle over bare-breasted women at one of Maryland’s most popular vacation spots is heating up as summer hits without a clear answer on whether women are free to be free at the beach.

With the heat approaching, authorities in Ocean City issued a memo this week directing the beach patrol not to confront bare-chested women or ask them to cover up regardless of complaints. The policy is to stand until the Maryland Attorney General’s Office opines on state indecent exposure laws after a local beachgoer declared that if men can go sans tops, then women can, too.

“It’s about equality, it’s about positivity, and it’s against body shaming and the forced sexualization of the female form,” said Chelsea Covington, a self-described “topfreedom” advocate who wrote a legal brief arguing that Maryland law allows women to go bare-chested in public. “It is most certainly about equality under the law.”
What does OP have against boobies?


Well-Known Member
It's fine until people start crashing into other people or running into other things like cars,trucks,light poles etc.
Nothing like a good set of ta ta's but when they start causing accidents, it can become an issue. :)
LOL But yes it should be up to them, And if you don't like it,
It's simple just don't look.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
You folks are missing a very important point. This isn't about boobs.

It's about male dominance. Men get to tell woman how to dress, what to cover, what they can do with their own bodies, even what men can do with a female and not get prosecuted (it isn't legitimate rape if....)..

So you might think it's all about woman, but you would be wrong. This is all about men. As is just about every decision concerning woman.

Sucks to be them.


Well-Known Member
If no individual person has a right to rob you, then you cannot aggregate all of that "zero right" into a positive sum without relying on twisted logic and math and an inversion of morality.
2 problems;

1. you believe the word 'tax' is a synonym for 'theft/steal'
2. your aversion to majority rule in a civil society

1. You believe taxes are theft because they're taken from you automatically, without your direct consent, even though you benefit from that which your taxes pay for (roads, bridges, etc.). Do you believe you should pay for the ability to live the lifestyle you lead having to utilize the roads and bridges taxes provide? In other words, do you feel any obligation to pay for the roads if you use them? If so, what do you believe would be a fair contribution, and how would a government agency determine that number for citizens?

2. If not democracy to govern a civil society, what would you use in its stead? How can we reach agreement as a country with more than 300 million occupants with differing beliefs and opinions?