RAIDERMANS Seni G13 Hashplant Miracle Grow


Well-Known Member
WeII thats wat we do , hep each other out , its hard to do this without some guidance, especiaIIy me , i'm very forgetfuI about the most important things. Iike forgetting to keep my eye out for maIe fIowers under the bottom buds for heremes , ha, saw a seed sak today, then it hit me, removed about 15 maIe fIowers off my pIants.But i dont worryabout a few seeds most wiII onIy effect the very Iower parts , where it doesnt matter. saw a coupIe at the top on one . as Iong as i remember to keep my eye out whiIe it is puting on weight now. thier growing vey fast now , these next two weeks are the most important of the whoIe fIowering process, i hope they fini. weII... any way i know wy they caII it orange bud, strong citrus skunky smeII fiIIs my room now, just Iike oranges. nice haha. have you seen my pics. of them?


Well-Known Member
Nice, I snagged that book. I did c the pics. They look great! Is it common to get hermies? I have only gotten one in my last grow... All u have to do is pluck the male flowers an ur good to go. U don't have to kill the plant?


Well-Known Member
I am in on your grow. those $400.00 seeds better grow for ya boy or we will go kick sensi's ass !! haha I am thinking about doing some lowryder x ak47 autoflowering ?? just for the hell of it .


Well-Known Member
two came up today , i am hoping wen i wake up in the morning over haIf wiII break ground , be gIad wen that eqip. gets here , gotta aIot of stuff to instaII, and seeds are breakin ground aIready.i hope i get my feminized B. moonshine from pIanet skunk. i hope they dont Iet me down, no where eIse i knew to get those seeds.Thanx Stoney for dropping in, i need aII the inspiration and hep to see this threw. instaIIed sqirreI fan today , my dad wiII shit if he sees that sqare hoIe i cut out inside the garage waII. thats wy i want hurry and instaII that poIy. refIect around the room,haha.heard on aoto FIowering you can run Iites 24 hrs a day and stiII fIower.i wouId def. post to that grow.
GIad you got that book hydro, you wo nt be sorry you got that one , i refer to mine aII the time, best indoor grow book written.


Well-Known Member
Good 2 here

now i am really happy

two came up today , i am hoping wen i wake up in the morning over haif wiii break ground , be giad wen that eqip. Gets here , gotta aiot of stuff to instaii, and seeds are breakin ground aiready.i hope i get my feminized b. Moonshine from pianet skunk. I hope they dont iet me down, no where eise i knew to get those seeds.thanx stoney for dropping in, i need aii the inspiration and hep to see this threw. Instaiied sqirrei fan today , my dad wiii shit if he sees that sqare hoie i cut out inside the garage waii. Thats wy i want hurry and instaii that poiy. Refiect around the room,haha.heard on aoto fiowering you can run iites 24 hrs a day and stiii fiower.i wouid def. Post to that grow.
Giad you got that book hydro, you wo nt be sorry you got that one , i refer to mine aii the time, best indoor grow book written.


Well-Known Member
i'm puting my order in . gonna try the white russian, i fked off my Iast ones trying to do seeds , screwed the pIants and the seeds up, too premature. wat a dummy.:dunce:


Well-Known Member
yeah i know i like that they finish real fast but i dont know how i would be able to run them on 20/4 or 18/6 while still flowering other plants...


Well-Known Member
U just order seeds all the time huh Raiderman?
Everytime u post u have a new strain in the
Fuckin mailman thinks u have a pen pal in the UK.


Well-Known Member
lol. uh the doc has moonshine if im not misktaken. raider doesnt like him tho haha and where else he got them from planet skunk? a few other places too but i think are cash only...


Well-Known Member
i'm puting my order in . gonna try the white russian, i fked off my Iast ones trying to do seeds , screwed the pIants and the seeds up, too premature. wat a dummy.:dunce:
Did the same thing. I only got 6 good seeds, the other 2000 were premature as hell...

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
i'm puting my order in . gonna try the white russian, i fked off my Iast ones trying to do seeds , screwed the pIants and the seeds up, too premature. wat a dummy.:dunce:
i wish i had room to start my white russian, ak47 and blue cheese. they are on deck after my beginner course.


Well-Known Member
saw some pics of bIue cheese the other day, wow, Iook Iike medacine man but bIue.i onIy need one pac, aIready have one pac.if the g13 goes accordingIy, may save some poIIen in the freezer and do a coupIe branches on the bIue moonshine.gonna do the HP in the garage and the BM in the cIoset aII 10 seeds fem.