Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

I assumed we'd have some hearings going for the summer tv season. I don't care for baseball but don't want this running into regular season football.
too late for hearings, grand juries are being empaneled already and subpoenas are flying. everyone has lawyered up.

are you really this fucking stupid?
Why do you mock the mentally challenged with your choice of language? Are you upset with yourself again? Let it go, man. Take a step back and breathe deeply, it is very healing. :peace: One love.
Why do you mock the mentally challenged with your choice of language? Are you upset with yourself again? Let it go, man. Take a step back and breathe deeply, it is very healing. :peace: One love.
He was giving you the benefit of the doubt. Don't be offended, he's trying to get you to exceed your current status. It's up to you to live up to your full potential or admit you are, in fact, stupid.
He was giving you the benefit of the doubt. Don't be offended, he's trying to get you to exceed your current status. It's up to you to live up to your full potential or admit you are just stupid.
Or I can disagree with the premise and keep on groovin.
I assumed we'd have some hearings going for the summer tv season. I don't care for baseball but don't want this running into regular season football.

American Ninja Warrior starts tonight :clap:

I picked Isaac Caldiero as the winner the first time I saw him
well looks like sean spicer is packing it in and looking for new work.

I heard this morning 'it's his job to put out the dumpster fire..but how can you when your boss IS the dumpster fire?' :lol:
It took about two years into his second term for Nixon to get his. I don't think it's going to take quite that long for Trump. He's that damn bad. Actually, it's his own stupidity that's ultimately going to have him impeached I would guess within a year of taking office.
how are you literally not just birthers and truthers with Russia?

It has been determined that Russia interfered in our election process. This is not a conspiracy theory. It is fact. How is investigating this further even remotely like those other two things?
