The Truth About Flushing


Well-Known Member
Salesman? Marketing?

I've designed buildings, bridges and structures.

It is all relative.


What the hell does being a structural engineer have to do with consumerism?

I'm just trying to answer your comments here. I still want you to admit that the cross selling of un needed pharmaceuticals is exactly like getting un informed growers to buy mis marketed lighting.

Like you said.


Well-Known Member
It's like Lego Land here but they dropped the L bahaha. You guys are just way to serious lol.

Serious? Me. I have been kayaking in a race downriver with my 25 year old brother in law stoned as hell and literally playing bumper boats the whole way. And I am trying to keep Mrs. MMG laughing after her 5 hour difficult gall bladder removal the other day. With edibles and comedy.

All in between the goings on here. Which are separate from my actual life.

But after being a member almost a year and actually posting after reading threads as a lurker for years I am amazed with the wealth of information available the same arguments with no perspective given or even the methods used still continue all the time.

So I just answer em as I see em on the fly.


Well-Known Member
See CMH is another great alternative to T5's why not get a HPS. or a MH and keep the bulb behind some sort of protective glass? The cost to flower under t5's at least where I am if I am buying quality fixtures and bulbs would be easily comparable to a CMH setup... and that's going to blow T5's away in flower. Or get a cheap $200 HPS off Amazon. the cost of that will be prolly half? a quarter? of what flowering under flourescents would be, in my experience anyways.

I know lighting in the USA is a lot cheaper. Maybe this is a viable route to take for yanks. I spent just as much growing with CFL's as I did on my 400watt setup and all those CFl's went right back where I bought em to be recycled free of charge... how nice of them. $200+ in fixtures y spillters and easily $200+ in bulbs. I hold a grudge against flourescents and I'm not afraid to admit it. Throwing out plants because of broken bulbs is fucking annoying for a small scale grower like myself, not to mention added cost.

The 400watt HPS killed the CFL's in every way possible. It's why they went in the trash. T5's are different than CFL's I realize this. But the cost of investment is about the same, with CFL's maybe even being a bit cheaper. Good fixures and bulbs cost money unless you can get that shit next to free it's better to spend your money on a CMH, HPS, MH, LED's. even a cheapo HPS MH CMH will do better. Cheapo LED's not so much lol.

In my experience anyways.... I wasted a lot of money when I first started trying to cut corners and do things the cheap way. I ended up spending way more than I wanted to and got not great results, acceptable but no where near what I wanted. I like to try and help people not make the same mistakes I made.

One of those great pieces of advice I took could have even been from RM3... some jackass told me you don't need a filter for 1-2 plants. So I listened. And my whole fucking condo smelled like my 1-2 plants. I don't like bad advice, so I try my best to not give it and dissuade people from taking it. Like I would have tried to dissuade Whitebb from growing auto's but alas I am too late. :) :)

I was hostile because:
Typing things in red looks aggressive and confrontational to me if it wasn't meant that way then I apologize for my tone and the name calling. But come, on be a man. :)

I can't be persuaded of anything. Too much bullshit and myth when it comes to cannabis forums. I've probably tried everything once. Lol.

Autos are fine. Some are actually fire. Quit a few if you know where to look.
I tried it but for some reason it fucked up ph and kept driving it down, I didn't try and figure out why, was in a hurry to get out west fishing so I switched back to old faithful. My water has some drastic effects with some nutes :(.
I've used it with soil and hydro. I collect rain water though.
Tried it, it attracted every fucking raccoon and skunk with in 100 miles, I was 14, who had money for nutes lol. Next year I switched to cormorant shit ..... now that's the ticket my friends lol.
Just something we said when higher ups when pissed you off in the military.
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Well-Known Member
What the hell does being a structural engineer have to do with consumerism?

I'm just trying to answer your comments here. I still want you to admit that the cross selling of un needed pharmaceuticals is exactly like getting un informed growers to buy mis marketed lighting.

Like you said.

It does when you deal with consumer products being manufactured inside of a structure.

The point I was attempting to bring to light is, just because something is labeled and sold as one thing doesn't mean it won't have other uses or be less than adequate for the purpose imposed by the marketing team. There may, and often are, far better options.

With that said, I've seen numerous ops where individuals have thought outside of the box, utilized their creativity and as a result found an alternative that meets their requirements. Allowing time to pass with gained experience from use, improvements will be made or a better option fielded.

In essence, don't believe the hype.

"Nullius in verba."



Well-Known Member
It does when you deal with consumer products being manufactured inside of a structure.

The point I was attempting to bring to light is, just because something is labeled and sold as one thing doesn't mean it won't have other uses or be less than adequate for the purpose imposed by the marketing team. There may, and often are, far better options.

With that said, I've seen numerous ops where individuals have thought outside of the box, utilized their creativity and as a result found an alternative that meets their requirements. Allowing time to pass with gained experience from use, improvements will be made or a better option fielded.

In essence, don't believe the hype.

"Nullius in verba."


In one post I am to believe the hype. And the next not to believe the hype.

What I believe is that you are all hyped up.

How can you think I didn't understand your point in the first place? Despite your terrible analogy.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Serious? Me. I have been kayaking in a race downriver with my 25 year old brother in law stoned as hell and literally playing bumper boats the whole way. And I am trying to keep Mrs. MMG laughing after her 5 hour difficult gall bladder removal the other day. With edibles and comedy.

All in between the goings on here. Which are separate from my actual life.

But after being a member almost a year and actually posting after reading threads as a lurker for years I am amazed with the wealth of information available the same arguments with no perspective given or even the methods used still continue all the time.

So I just answer em as I see em on the fly.
I wrote that after vaping a bud of barely dry headband that I have just harvested and was quite high. But my thoughts at the time were ....Ok I planted these 12 weeks ago, l used 2 year old cheap bottled nutes, used 2 year old cheaply 600's, visited the room once every 3 days and adjusted Ph only on refills, left the lights at 40" up, where I had then at finish of last run. And there I sat really high, with a nice looking plant and ok yield, which doesn't happen a lot these days with a new trial commercial strain. And that's when I wrote that lol. It seems the less I care about a run the better it does lol. Oh and no flush ;). But not trying to take away from your guys passion I wish I had the time lol.


Well-Known Member
You'd be wrong, I wouldn't say it's "utter bullshit" in period blood like a fuckin attention seeking drama queen though.

There's three alternatives to COB's that people are growing with on this site and showing good results. EB Strips being the cheapest and Samsungs being the best. QB panels using similar LEDs to the Samsung H strips.

I don't see how anyone could use T5's for flowering and in veg. at least be thinking about switching to LED's as the technology continues to get better. And there are UV LED's out there. Rapid LED carries a range of them, I just don't have experience with them or see any benefit to using them personally...
sorry to bring you the bummer but for example UVB and LED doesnt work good at the moment. In terms of costs, intensity and efficiency they will need some more years to get to the point where T5's are at the moment, just because T5's are used in large scale medical UVB-treatments. To build a machine that does the same but with LED's would be very expensive. Maybe in 5 years it will be cheap to produce high intensity UVB-LED's for use in large scale medical UVB-treatments but until then they will all use T5's... Also UVB T5's got a lifetime of about 9000h and the UVB-LED's will barely reach the 2000h mark.
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Well-Known Member
See CMH is another great alternative to T5's why not get a HPS. or a MH and keep the bulb behind some sort of protective glass? The cost to flower under t5's at least where I am if I am buying quality fixtures and bulbs would be easily comparable to a CMH setup... and that's going to blow T5's away in flower.
Here's some more entertainment for ya, I grew with CMH for years before switchin to T5's and you would be wrong 8)


Well-Known Member
Here's some more entertainment for ya, I grew with CMH for years before switchin to T5's and you would be wrong 8)
I still use CDMs', the old philips 400 watt CDMs', My T-5s' sit here collecting dust, don't even use them for cloning anymore. They may get a hobby grower by, but not a serious gardener.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
See CMH is another great alternative to T5's why not get a HPS. or a MH and keep the bulb behind some sort of protective glass? The cost to flower under t5's at least where I am if I am buying quality fixtures and bulbs would be easily comparable to a CMH setup... and that's going to blow T5's away in flower. Or get a cheap $200 HPS off Amazon. the cost of that will be prolly half? a quarter? of what flowering under flourescents would be, in my experience anyways.

I know lighting in the USA is a lot cheaper. Maybe this is a viable route to take for yanks. I spent just as much growing with CFL's as I did on my 400watt setup and all those CFl's went right back where I bought em to be recycled free of charge... how nice of them. $200+ in fixtures y spillters and easily $200+ in bulbs. I hold a grudge against flourescents and I'm not afraid to admit it. Throwing out plants because of broken bulbs is fucking annoying for a small scale grower like myself, not to mention added cost.

The 400watt HPS killed the CFL's in every way possible. It's why they went in the trash. T5's are different than CFL's I realize this. But the cost of investment is about the same, with CFL's maybe even being a bit cheaper. Good fixures and bulbs cost money unless you can get that shit next to free it's better to spend your money on a CMH, HPS, MH, LED's. even a cheapo HPS MH CMH will do better. Cheapo LED's not so much lol.

In my experience anyways.... I wasted a lot of money when I first started trying to cut corners and do things the cheap way. I ended up spending way more than I wanted to and got not great results, acceptable but no where near what I wanted. I like to try and help people not make the same mistakes I made.

One of those great pieces of advice I took could have even been from RM3... some jackass told me you don't need a filter for 1-2 plants. So I listened. And my whole fucking condo smelled like my 1-2 plants. I don't like bad advice, so I try my best to not give it and dissuade people from taking it. Like I would have tried to dissuade Whitebb from growing auto's but alas I am too late. :) :)

I was hostile because:
Typing things in red looks aggressive and confrontational to me if it wasn't meant that way then I apologize for my tone and the name calling. But come, on be a man. :)

Golly, we're back to down right friendly again. Good step!

Here, take a look at this and you get an idea of what I'm doing.


I also did not realize that you were not in the US....

I am in need of upgrading my vegging lighting. But, until I either use up the bulbs and move the fixtures to the garage, barn, or simply pull the trigger on a cpl of CMH 315's.....over priced......I am getting impatient, as I have a new strain that is a light hog! The branching stays too close at the lower intensity delivery of the T5's. This disrupts potentials, and I want potentials! Want this strain in my the best it can be......

So yeah, I'm looking.. Like - the CMH as it can dbl as a bloom if need be. Versatility!

Carry on Head!

I like red! My vintage race car is red. My wife's vintage race car is red......Nope, not the Italian flying horse brand......the nice cheap and reliable 60's Alfa kind.

Didn't mean to give you a case of the red ass.......I'll curb my use of race car red. ;) ;)


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I had the same thing happen. Bought DG Foliage on the recommendation of somebody here. PH would drop like crazy on a daily basis.
Some of the best lines out there drop the pH. I wish they could fix that. Problem is, it effects the quality of the product....

If adjusting pH is an issue, there's always that AN shit...."I just put it in and I don't have to pH anything. It's wonderful."
Seriously though, There are lines that don't - Hesi comes to mind....

Yet folks simply wish for a single simple solution....... Nutrient makers - go figure

So are you doing hydro John?


Well-Known Member
Golly, we're back to down right friendly again. Good step!

Here, take a look at this and you get an idea of what I'm doing.

View attachment 3964407
View attachment 3964409

I also did not realize that you were not in the US....

I am in need of upgrading my vegging lighting. But, until I either use up the bulbs and move the fixtures to the garage, barn, or simply pull the trigger on a cpl of CMH 315's.....over priced......I am getting impatient, as I have a new strain that is a light hog! The branching stays too close at the lower intensity delivery of the T5's. This disrupts potentials, and I want potentials! Want this strain in my the best it can be......

So yeah, I'm looking.. Like - the CMH as it can dbl as a bloom if need be. Versatility!

Carry on Head!

I like red! My vintage race car is red. My wife's vintage race car is red......Nope, not the Italian flying horse brand......the nice cheap and reliable 60's Alfa kind.

Didn't mean to give you a case of the red ass.......I'll curb my use of race car red. ;) ;)


Let's hope that he's not "seeing red".

I've been thinking about trying out those 315's. Use 600w blue Ushios right now (off dimmed Digistar's and Galaxy Grow Amps). If I get them before you do, I'll share my impressions regarding the type of growth that they promote.

Staying on topic, if they turn out to be shit, they'll get "the flush".

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Let's hope that he's not "seeing red".

I've been thinking about trying out those 315's. Use 600w blue Ushios right now (off dimmed Digistar's and Galaxy Grow Amps). If I get them before you do, I'll share my impressions regarding the type of growth that they promote.

Staying on topic, if they turn out to be shit, they'll get "the flush".
Ooh! Thanks! That would be very appreciated!
What ones are you looking at?

I looked at the Colorado's and am sitting on the fence a bit yet.....

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
Some of the best lines out there drop the pH. I wish they could fix that. Problem is, it effects the quality of the product....

If adjusting pH is an issue, there's always that AN shit...."I just put it in and I don't have to pH anything. It's wonderful."
Seriously though, There are lines that don't - Hesi comes to mind....

Yet folks simply wish for a single simple solution....... Nutrient makers - go figure

So are you doing hydro John?
Yeah, hydro.

Been using GH 3 part for years with excellent results and very predictable and minor PH swings. Trying to get away from Monsanto though, so I've been testing several different lines. Having multiple flowering rooms gives me the luxury of being able to run tests.