1.4 million illegals working under stolen Social Security numbers

OR, hear me out. Steal more social security numbers.

I remember a woman that had eighteen social security numbers and she claimed assistance with each one, she was caught.. a slap on the wrist IIRC.

You can look it up, I'm done spoon feeding.

I remember a woman that had eighteen social security numbers and she claimed assistance with each one, she was caught.. a slap on the wrist IIRC.

You can look it up, I'm done spoon feeding.


what was her name?

i mean, i totally believe you and everything, you're a very smart person who would never lie or spout off about retarded conspiracy theories.

just hoping that perhaps you can verify your totally legit story though.
Dude your retarded look up the wages these guys are making picking shit. It starts at about 20.00 and hour and up......

Still Daft I see...

How much do farm workers earn?
Based on the most recent National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS)– a report published by the U.S. Department of Labor– farm workers work 42 hours per week and earn $7.25 per hour on average, but this “average” varies greatly. For example, workers who have worked for the same employer for multiple years earn more than other workers. Those who have been with an employer for a year or less earn an average of $6.76 per hour, and those who have been with the same employer for at least 6 years earn an average of $8.05 per hour.

Annually, the average income of crop workers is between $10,000 to $12,499 for individuals and $15,000 to $17,499 for a family. To give you an idea, the federal poverty line is $10,830 for an individual or $22,050 for a family of four (in 2009).

Thus, according to NAWS, 30% of all farm workers had total family incomes below the poverty line.
It looks like mrsunshine is an alt for UncleBuck. He's liking his own posts, bwahahahahahhkbdgjvhahaha!
How about the flip of paying taxes that you can never file a return on? no SS or Med benefits when they retire..EVER..sounds like a shit sammich to me.

There was a woman with something like eighteen social security numbers and she was drawing benefits from all of them.

Dear Illegal Worker - If you feel your boss ever takes advantage of you..shit wages..paying you under the table?

Report him to the State Department of Labor..that'll fix their asses:wink:

Paybacks are a bitch..and the state LOVES fining them for treating employees (regardless of immigration status) like slaves..thinking they can leverage your situation and take advantage of you.

You can even do it anonymously.
Is this accurate? Is cool2burn a welfare queen?

yep. he is perfectly capable of working but chooses not to and collects a disability check instead. also gets his health insurance for himself and his daughter free from the federal government.

again, he is perfectly capable of working. he'd be a great customer service agent or something. could be banking $20 an hour doing that.
They aren't growing in 110° weather, that is a winter crop when temps are WAY lower than 100°.

Nice try at smudging the facts and spreading misinformation @st0wandgrow

lol! You asked where they're growing lettuce outside in Arizona. You got your answer. My apologies for mentioning summer, but the point still stands. They grow lettuce (a lot of it), outside, in Arizona.
Lmao, Shut the fuck up, 20 dollars an hour. shut your racist fucken face with that bullshit.
Its true they have been having trouble filling the needed quotas and hence wages have risen dramatically. Uncle buck/ mr sunshine Dont believe me then here is the L.A times or is that too conservative a source for you?