1.4 million illegals working under stolen Social Security numbers

Thinking of it, I have family serving right now (Army, Air Force and Navy).

I wanted to enlist in the Marines years ago, but the damage done to my body (why I smoke) disqualified me for service.
Japan closed its borders to focus on building their country, now they are the leaders in technology and they have some of the best gadgets and equipment.

I wonder what we could do as a nation seeing as we have WAY more land than Japan.

Did you just cite Japan as an example of economic success?

Were you being sarcastic?
Did you just cite Japan as an example of economic success?

Were you being sarcastic?

I hope you stayed awake in history class.




After being terror bombed by the US, Japan was able to rise from the ashes stronger than before; yes, we bombed civilians, women and children, to terrorize them into submission.

Daemon Lemay coined the term terror bombing, he was the General for the US Army Air Force.

If we don't learn from history we will be doomed to repeat it.

Shit, we didn't learn dick.

That's a reference for everything that we've done in the Middle East.
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something like 5 million warning leaflets were dropped too.

That is supposed to make it better?

"Well, we told them to leave their homes and country. Then we bombed their schools, hospitals and neighborhoods. We still cool though, right? I mean, it's just radiation poisoning. So what if your finger nails now have blood vessels and nerve endings and you can't cut them because of the pain and possible death by bleeding out."

Yea man, no big deal.
War is hell. Don't start it if you can't finish it.

FDR's biggest mistake was not aiding the Spanish Republic against the fascist hostile take over by one of the Spanish Generals (his name escapes me at the moment). The Frechies biggest mistake was holding their colonies in Asia while allowing the Germans to invade their home, priorities. Same problem for the British, holding Asian colonies instead of defending thier home.

Einstein fell into a deep depression after the bombs were dropped, I don't blame him one bit. That was the single worst mistake of his life.

It is ok, we are destroying our home planet at record pace. I doubt we will be here in ten thousand years.
FDR's biggest mistake was not aiding the Spanish Republic against the fascist hostile take over by one of the Spanish Generals (his name escapes me at the moment). The Frechies biggest mistake was holding their colonies in Asia while allowing the Germans to invade their home, priorities. Same problem for the British, holding Asian colonies instead of defending thier home.

Einstein fell into a deep depression after the bombs were dropped, I don't blame him one bit. That was the single worst mistake of his life.

It is ok, we are destroying our home planet at record pace. I doubt we will be here in ten thousand years.

france and england put up a massive defense of france, but hitler went through the ardennes, previously thought unpenetrable, and split them in half.

and england did not only defend herself, but stopped the germans at el alamein, preventing the nazis from taking the suez canal and controlling all of britain's oil supplies and shipping routes. they would have marched up to stalingrad and taken the caucusus mountains (and thus russia's oil too) had they gotten past the english in egypt.

you are seriously fucking bad at this.
I am in no way posting my dd-214 that is just not smart however here is my va letter showing me at 90% service connected....... Im done defending myself to people who never served i was in for 15 years and did not get out by choice.

I deleted my posts.

I apologize. Doesn't mean I agree with you but as far as your service, thank you.
Insulting Veterans should end with deportation.

If they do not respect those that risk their life for them then they do not belong here.
What ever man. I'm a veteran and my fam has served and a few gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Here's the thing. His story doesn't add up. Ill say that he did serve and that's commendable.

His story has changed several times from a car to now combat.

Would you not question something suspicious and possible stolen valor?

Personally I don't think he has seen combat.

Now where does that leave us. I don't know. Ill say thank you to the man and deleted my post.

I still thing something doesn't add up. Ill leave it at that.

I also think its wrong for a person to be using a public program lime Medicaid for his child and then get mad when others want the same thing.

Ill leave it at that and I won't call cool2burn names or deny his service.
That is supposed to make it better?

"Well, we told them to leave their homes and country. Then we bombed their schools, hospitals and neighborhoods. We still cool though, right? I mean, it's just radiation poisoning. So what if your finger nails now have blood vessels and nerve endings and you can't cut them because of the pain and possible death by bleeding out."

Yea man, no big deal.

not saying that at all.
manufacturing a federally illegal schedule 1 substance is a major felony.

entering illegally is a misdemeanor on par with a speeding ticket.

let's prioritize the illegals we lock up. let's start with you first. you're a welfare sponge who can work but sucks up checks from uncle sam instead. and the shitty, shitty fucking plants you grow are a crime in and of itself.

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Dear jesus! I wouldn't let my worst enemy smoke that shwag.