What did you accomplish today?

Umb,I must confess.....I'm pretty sure me and @Diabolical666 are in a serious relationship .....she sent an xoxo a while back .....pretty serious stuff .......like were almost married .......When I was a new member she gave me advice on some electric trimmers ........ya that's rite .......love at first post imvho.........

Pretty sure Mr.Sunshine threatened to kill me anyways ....not that I'm scared of him .....I just don't need to be running any more birds over with my car .......check my posts from this morning and that will make more sense.

Fuck you sunshine ....you can have all the other possible vaginas on Riu ....but Dia is my Riu crush girlfriend.
I hope 3rd time is a charm...1st I was riu married to dyna ryda. He went out for rolling papers and never came back. Then Pinworm, but he cheated on me with @Blue Wizard . So I hope this one lasts baby! bongsmilie:hump:
caught a couple 20 inch cutthroats today.:hump:
Fuck yeah dude!
I take it the river isn't blown out anymore?

Dude, the river by me has more fish than it's ever had in a long time, including shit loads of sturgeon. Stripers. Bigger than normal steelies. My dumb ass has no license(restricted, hard to explain fishing if pulled over lol). The river is on fucking fire bro.

Got some more really killer trophy rainbows at almanor when i went last time again. No big browns though. Threaded night crawler, 20' down going 1mph.
Fuck yeah dude!
I take it the river isn't blown out anymore?

Dude, the river by me has more fish than it's ever had in a long time, including shit loads of sturgeon. Stripers. Bigger than normal steelies. My dumb ass has no license(restricted, hard to explain fishing if pulled over lol). The river is on fucking fire bro.

Got some more really killer trophy rainbows at almanor when i went last time again. No big browns though. Threaded night crawler, 20' down going 1mph.
This was on red lake up near caples. Walked the creek coming out of red lake and the pools were so titties. Beatiful drifts all day.

They spilled over the lake when it was over flowing and no one knows they're down there. :fire:
I'm still waiting for nudes.
Stop being a whore, you know you belong to me, woman.
Umb,I must confess.....I'm pretty sure me and @Diabolical666 are in a serious relationship .....she sent an xoxo a while back .....pretty serious stuff .......like were almost married .......When I was a new member she gave me advice on some electric trimmers ........ya that's rite .......love at first post imvho.........

Pretty sure Mr.Sunshine threatened to kill me anyways ....not that I'm scared of him .....I just don't need to be running any more birds over with my car .......check my posts from this morning and that will make more sense.

Fuck you sunshine ....you can have all the other possible vaginas on Riu ....but Dia is my Riu crush girlfriend.
I didn't want you to find out like this but, Dia and I did things, glorious things. We were drunk and slippery and I'm pretty sure I was unconscious. Bottom line, stay away from my property. You don't see me trying to fuck one of your vehicle's tail pipes. Respect my shit, bro.
This was on red lake up near caples. Walked the creek coming out of red lake and the pools were so titties. Beatiful drifts all day.

They spilled over the lake when it was over flowing and no one knows they're down there. :fire:
So, that's supposedly what happened to all the kings in oroville, as rumor has it. It's supposed to be on fucking fire this time of year, and nobody is catching them. Word has it that most of the landlocked kings went down the emergency spillway during the fiasco. I just can't believe it, but what happened? Maybe?
So, that's supposedly what happened to all the kings in oroville, as rumor has it. It's supposed to be on fucking fire this time of year, and nobody is catching them. Word has it that most of the landlocked kings went down the emergency spillway during the fiasco. I just can't believe it, but what happened? Maybe?
HA! I wouldn't be surprised bro. It's happening on multiple lakes here. Think the fish were like "fuck it, let's go". lol
caught a couple 20 inch cutthroats today.:hump:
Oh yeah, so when i was there last Thursday, i was trolling through a good spot and shit loads of fucking huge rainbows and browns were practically boiling on the surface. If i only had some other polls ready to throw some shit at them bro. We got the biggest ones of the day trolling back and forth through that area within 15 min. Gonna have some other polls ready to throw some castmasters or something next time if that happens again. Or, when trolling, I'm markin big ol fuckin archs down low. Just know they are big ol' browns. Gotta have some poles ready to jig or something. All in all a great day. Learned a little more than the last time. ;-)