1.4 million illegals working under stolen Social Security numbers

I hope you stayed awake in history class.




After being terror bombed by the US, Japan was able to rise from the ashes stronger than before; yes, we bombed civilians, women and children, to terrorize them into submission.

Daemon Lemay coined the term terror bombing, he was the General for the US Army Air Force.

If we don't learn from history we will be doomed to repeat it.

Shit, we didn't learn dick.

That's a reference for everything that we've done in the Middle East.

Japan's economy was SO stagnant for so long that it was called the "Lost Score" or "Lost 20 years".
france and england put up a massive defense of france, but hitler went through the ardennes, previously thought unpenetrable, and split them in half.

and england did not only defend herself, but stopped the germans at el alamein, preventing the nazis from taking the suez canal and controlling all of britain's oil supplies and shipping routes. they would have marched up to stalingrad and taken the caucusus mountains (and thus russia's oil too) had they gotten past the english in egypt.

you are seriously fucking bad at this.
France lost mostly because they depended almost entirely on the Maginot Line which was built to defend from a WWI style "classic battlefield" of two armies facing each other.

But the Blitzkrieg strategy meant Hilter could smash through Belgium and invade France from the North where they weren't expecting it.

France's Generals strategic vision was dangerously out of date and they suffered because of it.

Japan's economy was SO stagnant for so long that it was called the "Lost Score" or "Lost 20 years".

And through great sacrifice... finish that sentence.

Yea, their economy wasn't so great. I mean, that tiny island was hit with bombing runs over the civilian populous (women, children, babies in hospitals). Hiroshima and Nagasaki were spared on Daemon Lemay's order so they could be used as an example of what we could do to the world with nuclear bombs. Just like those before and after photos I shared.

We even had our ships shelling the smaller islands and troops going in to clear them out, we lost a ton of men doing that. They fought to the end, surrender was not an option. They even fought with swords. I mean shit, that's fierce.

After all the destruction, radiation poisoning, embargoes and loss of life and they are back on top.

They produce better cars than we do, the have better electronics.. Have you seen their parking garages? Sweetest thing I've ever seen, it's like a vending machine for matchbox cars.
France lost mostly because they depended almost entirely on the Maginot Line which was built to defend from a WWI style "classic battlefield" of two armies facing each other.

But the Blitzkrieg strategy meant Hilter could smash through Belgium and invade France from the North where they weren't expecting it.

France's Generals strategic vision was dangerously out of date and they suffered because of it.

The French were invaded because they did not protect the Rhineland, they did not protect the Rhineland because the majority of their force was forcefully subduing islands in the Pacific Ocean for their colonialism. They fought for a month or so, it wasn't blitzkreig and over in a week.

France also took a big hit in WWI, lots of dead people, not enough time to fuck their way back to a normal population. That says something, the French couldn't fuck themselves out of this. Literally.

The same problem for England and the British. They were so caught up with colonialism and subduing the Chinese with opium via the East India Trading Company, which still has a Lord of England at the helm to this very day, that they relied on the US for ships and all. We gave them old stuff but it was better than nothing.

The US didn't want to get into it, for the second time, and FDR listening those selfish pricks made the biggest mistake of his entire life. That mistake was not standing up against the hostile take over of Spain.

Where did you go to school?
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And through great sacrifice... finish that sentence.

Yea, their economy wasn't so great. I mean, that tiny island was hit with bombing runs over the civilian populous (women, children, babies in hospitals). Hiroshima and Nagasaki were spared on Daemon Lemay's order so they could be used as an example of what we could do to the world with nuclear bombs. Just like those before and after photos I shared.

We even had our ships shelling the smaller islands and troops going in to clear them out, we lost a ton of men doing that. They fought to the end, surrender was not an option. They even fought with swords. I mean shit, that's fierce.

After all the destruction, radiation poisoning, embargoes and loss of life and they are back on top.

They produce better cars than we do, the have better electronics.. Have you seen their parking garages? Sweetest thing I've ever seen, it's like a vending machine for matchbox cars.
Just because they have advanced technology doesn't make them any better than anywhere else, their stuff is available in the West too but there's a different emphasis here. Japan is not on top economically, socially, etc. They just have better robots.

No offense, but there's alot of people here who claim to know history but just plain get it wrong.


Read the above article, it's Wiki but it's got citations. The over dependence on the Maginot Line fucked France in WWII.

If you want to get into even more detail, You can check the average age of a French General at the outbreak of WWII, they were old schoolers and hugely out of date tactically.
I often think about the shit in the middle east. I think it all started when we created the new Isreal and then populated it with people from all over the world based on a religion. (I like plenty Israelis, I am in no way against Judaism or any of its members, also there are many people in any country that believe in other things. I actually hate having to start with a disclaimer, but it is a symptom of our time. Anyway, when the Israeli army kicked everybody's arse and annexed the West Bank. Who armed the Israelis? They barely just started a new country from scratch. I think the "West" made a mistake with this. No idea what the answer is today as the very situation affected and changed all the actors therein.
Just because they have advanced technology doesn't make them any better than anywhere else, their stuff is available in the West too but there's a different emphasis here.

No offense, but there's alot of people here who claim to know history but just plain get it wrong.



You win, bwahaha.

Seriously though, you can cross reference everything I've stated to be true.

The biggest problem with your argument is the chronology. If the Nazis were able to blitzkreig france like you say then it would have been over in two weeks tops, they fought for a bit more than month and surrendered. Again, because they lost a bunch of people in WWI and they had the majority of their forces subduing Pacific Islanders for their colonialism.

Where did you go to school again?

You learned everything you know from Wikipedia you say?

Didn't the newest PlayStation get released in Japan before the rest of the world?

Don't they keep the best cars only for in country sales and export the lower models?

I bet you'll never find an RX-7 without a turbo in Japan. You'll find them here though!

Oh, and we didn't get the Cosmo or 20B either.

You win, bwahaha.

Seriously though, you can cross reference everything I've stated to be true.

The biggest problem with your argument is the chronology. If the Nazis were able to blitzkreig france like you say then it would have been over in two weeks tops, they fought for a bit more than month and surrendered. Again, because they lost a bunch of people in WWI and they had the majority of their forces subduing Pacific Islanders for their colonialism.

Where did you go to school again?

You learned everything you know from Wikipedia you say?

Didn't the newest PlayStation get released in Japan before the rest of the world?

Don't they keep the best cars only for in country sales and export the lower models?

I bet you'll never find an RX-7 without a turbo in Japan. You'll find them here though!

Oh, and we didn't get the Cosmo or 20B either.
They didn't directly Blitz France, they attacked through Belgium in the North while most of France's military sat behind the line waiting for trench warfare like WWI.

The idea was the the Germans would be held up on the Line and France counterattack through the Netherlands/Belgium.

Blitzkrieg refers to a military strategy, not the speed at which they invaded, it was lighting air and mechanized attack instead of the traditional face to face battle.

And Wiki is an acceptable reference as long as it's a correctly cited article.
They didn't directly Blitz France, they attacked through Belgium in the North while most of France's military sat behind the line waiting for trench warfare like WWI.

The idea was the the Germans would be held up on the Line and France counterattack through the Netherlands/Belgium.

Blitzkrieg refers to a military strategy, not the speed at which they invaded, it was lighting air and mechanized attack instead of the traditional face to face battle.

I'm fully aware, my family has fought in every war since The War for Independence from the Crown. I took it upon myself to know my heritage, the Truth.

If the French would have pulled its forces out of the Pacific and defended the Rhineland the Nazis would have been kept at bay, at least for some time.. they did have a powerhouse of manufacturing. It is in Hitler's book, if you read it you will see how much he sweated taking the Rhineland, it was the greatest risk he took, in his own words more or less, I'm still working on my German.

I don't even want to start with the early 1900's. It is far too depressing to know what happened to Latin America.
People come and go, this too will pass.
Did you know that what we call Japanese are not the original inhabitants of Japan?
The Ainu people were there 4000 years earlier, they were hunted and chased until they were only left in the northern most Island.
Their language today is almost dead, it has nothing in common with Japanese. Some village elders are now starting to teach their children and grandparents the Ainu language, culture and arts.
There is a very nice documentary about this on Youtube. Many of the Ainu have European features, but they share no genetic ancestry.
I'm fully aware, my family has fought in every war since The War for Independence from the Crown. I took it upon myself to know my heritage, the Truth.

If the French would have pulled its forces out of the Pacific and defended the Rhineland the Nazis would have been kept at bay, at least for some time.. they did have a powerhouse of manufacturing. It is in Hitler's book, if you read it you will see how much he sweated taking the Rhineland, it was the greatest risk he took, in his own words more or less, I'm still working on my German.

I don't even want to start with the early 1900's. It is far too depressing to know what happened to Latin America.
Em...just what country does the Rhineland border?

Where have I said repeatedly that Hitler invaded from?
People come and go, this too will pass.
Did you know that what we call Japanese are not the original inhabitants of Japan?
The Ainu people were there 4000 years earlier, they were hunted and chased until they were only left in the northern most Island.
Their language today is almost dead, it has nothing in common with Japanese. Some village elders are now starting to teach their children and grandparents the Ainu language, culture and arts.
There is a very nice documentary about this on Youtube. Many of the Ainu have European features, but they share no genetic ancestry.

Did they get nuked?

Did they grow finger nails with nerve endings and blood vessels from radiation poisoning?

Do you know what the nuclear fallout did to their babies?

Holy fuck man, the suffereing can't be compared to swords, spears and arrows.

That's a quick death compared to nuclear fallout.
I still wonder what the real hand was moving these wars. By constantly waging one side against the next, almost every culture has been eviscerated.
The Germans once were the Prussians
Holy fuck man, the suffereing can't be compared to swords, spears and arrows.

That's a quick death compared to nuclear fallout.

OK, so if you were to choose haveing to watch your wife and children being raped before all of you were dispatched to the hereafter or dying of fallout, you choose the first?