Trump: 'I Did Not Make And Do Not Have Comey Tapes'..

His "word" is worthless. The investigation(s) need to leave open and investigate the possibility that the tapes President Pussygrabber insinuated existed did exist at one time but have since been destroyed because they corroborated Comey's testimony. ROTUS (Retard of the United States) is a known pathological liar. Literally nothing he says can be taken at face value. We still don't know if there were/are tapes.
How is that foil hat fitting?
I think he played it beautifully stopped Comey (do not believe anything from him after i found out he is a leakier.) from lying or making shit up when he testified!

you're literally rooting on a felony. it's called witness tampering or witness intimidation.

and here i thought you hated ILLEGALS.