What did you accomplish today?

Funny part is Annie ...I actually feel a bit strange even teasing about my Dia crush...I've always been so happy with my wife and kids and family ....I couldn't imagine life without em ....even raising my older sis after our mom passed ....wouldn't have it any other way .......I guess it's a good thing I think about my wife,boys and family even when I'm just being a dork and playing around on here......I picked a good one IRL ....she's gorgeous and thankfully is better looking than me .....so my boys are handsome as well .....that's enough being a softy

Pretty sure I called myself a dork ....which if I'm not mistaken ....is a whales penis o_O
Damn here I was getting all up for a BBQ!! LOL I'll just have to go over @Gary Goodson 's and see if I can referee the bil beat down
Go to hell sunshine .....straight to hell .....she touched your leg ....I know she touched your leg
If the stories are true, that is what it feels like.
Bet the guy who loved uncle bucks avatar is enjoying all the uncle bucks running around on here lately.

Lol.....and people who hate buck are probably double taking like a mother fucker..........had like 7 uncle buck avi's in my alerts.........funny shit

Had something go through my lines and completely clog a good portion....so I've been training tomatoes thinking there all getting watered .......but no ....and I usually walk the rows and make sure all is working .....today I did not .....so now I get to spend more time with the heat rising waiting for water .....the one time I don't check the flow .......oh well .....I like tomatoes
Got back home and beat my meat........oops, I mean beat the heat .....but I did stop and tend to my one and only pot plant .....Baby Gary ....In the recycled soil that GG helped me mix up ......image.jpg
Not bad for my first attempt/experiment at recycling soil .....she's looking healthy ....which is good since baby G is my only plant of course.........I laugh every time i Tend to this plant .......I always think about the advice Gary gave me when I gave him the list of amendments I was using a few months back .....I was trying to be all precise and calculated....pretty much stressing over it.......Gary says ......Ahhh bro,you can go heavy on that shit ...lol.......I guess it was funny because I was expecting him to say X amount of this X amount of that .....but nope ....just go heavy on it......so I did .....and so far Baby G likes that ((HEAVY SHIT)) which is what I named the mix ....((That Heavy Shit))......if baby G had sisters ....They'd all be doing super awesome as well :wink:........il keep you all updated on my single plant grow operation.
Alright, who's the fucking asshole that said it would only take me 2 hrs to grind down 2 stumps?

Oh thats right, it was me :oops:

2hrs per stump. About 1 hr clean up per stump too. What a fucking mess!! Free cedar and pine chips for the yard though :hump:

I fucking love the smell of cedar

Got 12 contractor bags full of just the cedar chips. It was one big ass stump lemme tell you.
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Had a friend I used to do stupid shit with.

I grew up and he never changed. Went to college and graduated with me even. But kept up the same shit (shoplifting, graffiti, drugs etc)

I just found out he died in a low level offender jail the other day.

Extremely talented artist. Sucks.

But it made me happy with the life I chose.

A lot of my old friends made fun of me when I was going to school and changing my dead end path.

@Drowning-Man you need to get that chicken murdering job and not die in a low level jail. I'm rooting for you man.
Update: He was jumped and thrown down a flight of stairs. :-(