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Well-Known Member
but they are trashing our work and job markets driving down wages. i am sick of my atm asking me english or spainsh. We are in the us.


Well-Known Member
thiers work all over the place in the u.s. just 2 many people are lazy and dont want 2 da dirty jobs so hey the mexicans do it. And yeah were in america huh c, u.s. , mexico are all north america so were all american huh?


Well-Known Member
lol "beaner" was not meant as a race term, I have been using the moniker online for 5-6 years, as a reference to the seeds that our beautiful plant sprouts from. I am 100% german sorry, i like my beer dark and my girls skinny and blond....damn them mexicans, but they are hard working anyway, more than you can say about half the somolians and hmongs that come here and end up joining gangs or fishing for carp all day at the local mississippi. damn somoli gangs are causing lots of trouble in the cities...


Well-Known Member
they work hard and cheap and live 2 or more generations per house. they eat cheap and send all this cash to mexico. its killing the working man


Well-Known Member
Yeah like the white man didn't come here and screw the Indian's over. So what goes around comes around.


Well-Known Member
first off mexican women have NO asses. second they are lazy. we used to hire them all the time. now they want more than me. i end up having to do their job after them. we don't hire them anymore. i work in the wineries so believe me i've seen my share. 16 different SS#'s and they still keep getting kicked back as invalid. come on!!! illegal laborers DO NOT PAY TAXES!!!!!!! think about it every time you look at your check stub.


Well-Known Member
first off mexican women have NO asses. second they are lazy. we used to hire them all the time. now they want more than me. i end up having to do their job after them. we don't hire them anymore. i work in the wineries so believe me i've seen my share. 16 different SS#'s and they still keep getting kicked back as invalid. come on!!! illegal laborers DO NOT PAY TAXES!!!!!!! think about it every time you look at your check stub.

i mean what this all add up to ?


Well-Known Member
fdd you don't play well with others. You have been BITCH slapped. :)

i feel really bad. i said nothing but what actually happened to us, at work, about 8 times in the last 3 years. i even tried to apologize if i offended him. he just gathered up everything and bailed. i'm shocked.