User Ranks - Your input

not to be awkward, perhaps a notion that one can opt out, ie, non of the above, rather a Plant be?
for member, member, active member, well known member
Hey Guy's

We are about to change the user ranking system as you can see its new member, active, well known member now. But would like your input on the names here is what we had previously:

  • Stranger
  • Learning How To Roll
  • Able To Roll A Joint
  • Marijuana Toker
  • Ganja Smoker
  • Pot Head
  • 420 TIME
  • Stoner
  • Teaching How To Roll
  • Veteran Smoker
  • Mr.Ganja
  • Super Stoner
  • Marijuana EXPERT
  • Ganja God
Let me know your thoughts or any other interesting names.

-unknown user (0-50 posts)
-stranger (51-200 posts)
-beginner (201-500 posts)
-novice smoker (501-1,000 posts)
-advanced smoker (1,001-2,000 posts)
-expert smoker (2,001-4,000+ posts)
not to be awkward, perhaps a notion that one can opt out, ie, non of the above, rather a Plant be?
for member, member, active member, well known member
I like this idea.
0-100 ..............Germinating
101-419 ..........Growing
420-1000........ Flowering
1001-2000 ......Drying
2000-4190 ......Curing
4200-10000 ....Cured
10001 + ..........Ash
It applies to smokers, and is not gender specific.
Ash "WE" could do a poll on this

Not ash ...perhaps Roach with a little avatar on our avatar ...lolololol !!
Heh.. I smoke my roach up. It gets so small, I burn my fingers, then let it turn to ash.
Besides .. bongs and pipes only leave ash.
I like the avatar idea, too. A little icon next to the status would be sweet.
New users during summer months should be given the title "Summerfag"
This would serve as an adequate early warning system that goofiness and stupidity are soon to follow.