New growth on top of cola


What's this new growth on top of this cola? It looks like it's going back to veg on this secondary cola, but there is absolutely no way their is light leakage. For one, it's a sealed grow tent, and two, I have the light cycle go off at night.



Well-Known Member
If it's definitly not your light, than I would assume you feed way too much nitrogen.


Im a noob so Im not 100 percent, but could It possibly be new growth from heat stress? How far away are your lights?
I forgot heat stress could do this too, but the 450 watt LED viparspectra is about a foot and a half away, but the light's don't harldy let off heat. It may be the temperature outside being too high. I live in Tx and it's 70-95 depending on the day. The tent isn't sitting in the sun though, so it doesn't get blazing hot, and it's only in the 90's for a few hours.


If it's definitly not your light, than I would assume you feed way too much nitrogen.
The nitrogen could be the culprit. I'll dile it back next time I add nutes. Otherwise, it could be the outside temperature being too high. I have a 450 Watt LED, and it doesn't let off much heat.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure your grow space is completely dark when is supposed to be? It only takes a small amount of light to make a plant revegetate.

Make sure there's no other lights or indicator leds or anything that could otherwise make your plants think it's day.


Are you sure your grow space is completely dark when is supposed to be? It only takes a small amount of light to make a plant revegetate.

Make sure there's no other lights or indicator leds or anything that could otherwise make your plants think it's day.
I thought light leakage was the only thing that would caus3 weird growth like this. That's why it was the only real thing I checked before asking here. I could be wrong, but I'm almost certain I've eliminated the chances of light leakage.

I hope it is excess nitrogen because I cut way back on the flora micro (heavy nitrogen) from general hydroponics just now.


Well-Known Member
Looking at the burned tips, the structure of the bud, and the appearance of the plant, it will be good anyways ;)

But heavy nitrogen overdose, is the only reason beside light/heat stress, which I know, that could cause something like that.

Do you mind posting more pictures, to get a better impression!?

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Foxtailing is from excessive heat and or overly humid conditions as well as strain related [some just do]. Too much N can but this isnt your issue unless your strain is very N sensitive. Also a few hours of overly hot temps can ABSOLOUTLY do it. Close to 90 in flower..?? No fuckin way dude. Cool that shit


Well-Known Member
Foxtailing is from excessive heat and or overly humid conditions as well as strain related [some just do]. Too much N can but this isnt your issue unless your strain is very N sensitive
But actually I don't see foxtailing! Foxtailing is stacking of calyxes. As the operator describes, it seems more like a new vegetative growth. Neither it is Grinspoon :D

Didn't know humidity can cause foxtailing, so atleast I learned somethign new! :hump:


Well-Known Member
What Jimmy said.

Once you go flower, you need to change whatever nutrient you're using to a more even mix that has more phosphorous and potassium and goes light on the nitrogen.

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
But actually I don't see foxtailing! Foxtailing is stacking of calyxes. As the operator describes, it seems more like a new vegetative growth. Neither it is Grinspoon :D

Didn't know humidity can cause foxtailing, so atleast I learned somethign new! :hump:
Its grinspoon? Seriously? Well if I missed that there ya go


Well-Known Member
Never had problems in my closet with temps up to 93F. Neither I had problems with temps up to 105F in my greenhouse. From personal experience, that is just some random myth, there may be sensitive strains, like nitrogene sensitiv ones, but it's NOT causing problems in general! How could it... every light depri greenhouse would getting crushed in the summer...

But have a look at the tips, they are burned heavily by wrong feeding. What we see is just the new groth, the old growth in the back just looking even more worse.

Wrong feeding also causing stress, not only heat or humiditiy.

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Never had problems in my closet with temps up to 93F. Neither I had problems with temps up to 105F in my greenhouse. From personal experience, that is just some random myth, there may be sensitive strains, like nitrogene sensitiv ones, but it's NOT causing problems in general! How could it... every light depri greenhouse would getting crushed in the summer...
Oh no my friend tis not a random myth and if ye thinkin it ,is one should do more studying. On heat and foxtailing that is


Well-Known Member
Go inside your tent at dark cycle, and let your eyes adjust to the darkness, once adjusted put your hand out and if you can see your hand theres a light leak somewhere. Thats if its a light problem

90 degrees is to high for flower, but that would cause foxtailing, not so much of re-vegging

If you're using more N than P or K then she'll get confused about what part of her life cycle she's in and revert back to veg

Hope this helps and you figure out whats going on, my man
Happy growing:peace:


Well-Known Member
Oh no my friend tis not a random myth and if ye thinkin it ,is one should do more studying. On heat and foxtailing that is
Like I said, it's my experience. It's what I saw, and if the plants looking healthy, why should I start studying? Observing is the best teacher! No need to know whats written in some book...

Neither do we see foxtailing! So you argument is going in the wrong direction. Dr.Botany pointed it out again, what we see is wrong feeding and vegetative growth.

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Cannabis actually stops growing entirely in temps above 80 I think it is unless of course your running co2. Yep, no terpene development [very little] no bud swell no nuthin but maybe foxtaililng.

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Like I said, it's my experience. It's what I saw, and if the plants looking healthy, why should I start studying? Observing is the best teacher! No need to know whats written in some book...
No , I was talking about foxtailing but we are no longer on this I suppose. No offence bruddah . And like I said , unless your running co2 and your temps climb like that you are not harvesting what you could if you spent the $ and cooled that shit. Like I said. Why only half ass it mi amigo. If you didnt know this you should and if you do and arent then you should never sell or donate that sub par stuff. My opinions and observances also .


Well-Known Member
Cannabis actually stops growing entirely in temps above 80 I think it is unless of course your running co2. Yep, no terpene development [very little] no bud swell no nuthin but maybe foxtaililng.
Thats strain dependant, my friend.
I keep temps at 80-85 in flower and they do great, example of that is blue dream does great with higher temps. Co2 and kelp help with higher temps aswell. But saying anything over 80 wont grow is wrong, my friend

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Like I said, it's my experience. It's what I saw, and if the plants looking healthy, why should I start studying? Observing is the best teacher! No need to know whats written in some book...

Neither do we see foxtailing! So you argument is going in the wrong direction. Dr.Botany pointed it out again, what we see is wrong feeding and vegetative growth.
Chill my man Im playing around..... Guess I should have been more clear. Early on I thought we were discussing foxtailing wich we were briefly ,then I got los and confused lol. Im kidding but it is true that canbabis growing over 89 or so in flower is detrimental to the finished product.