When Government Fails Us, This Group Will Save Us..

Well Elaine, (lol I read where you called me Newman though I'm more like Uncle Leo)
How can they be selling these things at half price? No doubt to get rid of old stock before they dry up.
The local supermarket sells Tasty Cake pies for $1.79 but I can go to walmarto and buy them for $1.00
a piece.
Walmart no doubt pays about .60 cents for them and still makes a profit (.40c) while the local store profits
$1.19 per pie. It's all legal and called Capitalism.
Anyone in the USA can jump on this wagon and make money.

What's disturbing here is the title of your post.
Who will save us??
Never in my life have I counted on the government to come and save me.

I hope schools aren't teaching this to our kids, though in big cities they have Breakfast - Lunch -Supper and
a box of snack programs kids can take home to eat while mom and dad collect any and every benefit possible sell crack and drive Escalades.

When I was growing up and going to school we didnt have these nonsense programs. We had jobs and were looking for better jobs. We saved until we could afford a small house and kept working.
I hope that idea hasnt died.

Oh c'mon now, I was just having some fun..hadn't seen you in a while..who knows if you were banned/slowdown..a lot of our regulars are gone, sadly. Their voices silenced.

Have you ever heard of a place called 'Uintah Elementary' per chance?..their school lunch program can't be beat.:wink:
you voted for trump to come and save you from all those scary immigrants and muslims using the full force and power of the government to do so because you are an insecure, fragile, hateful little racist.

oh, and you are on disability and food stamps and get upset when you see brown people using the same programs you abuse, you old racist shit.


PS - when is trump gonna bring back the jobs to your rusted out little northeastern pennsylvania town?

That's because big government is for white people only..dont you get this yet, Buck?
Oh you mean the SS/Medicare I'm currently bankrolling for old fucks like you?
Wow, 30 year olds are "old fucks" now, are we?

And for the record I probably pay more taxes in a month than you pay in a year. I pay them gladly too so racist, mentally challenged people can collect foodstamps working sales jobs (Even after spending 20k on college a few years ago).

I don't judge, I think everyone should have the money to eat nutritional food.

*drops mic*

(You started the name calling btw, I just finished it, dont quote me anymore)
I check my statement regularly and based upon my contributions since I began working on the books at age 15, I'll receive the maximum payout projected.

Currently, I am paying for YOU..you're welcome!

Ummm...no, you're not. Dumbass.

I've paid over $297,000 dollars into the system since I started working at age 14. I'm now 49 and still haven't received one single dime of it back. Nobody does until they hit 65 in most cases. So, sadly for you, you're not paying for anybody. Everybody has already paid for themselves. The problem with the system is that in the old days, Social Security money could NOT be touched by the government for any reason.

But the republicans came along (namely, Richard Nixon) and decided, "Why leave that money alone? Let's spend it all on shitload of bombs!"

The rest is history.

Only a complete village idiot would ever believe they're actually paying for people that in truth not only aren't collecting anything, but have already paid for themselves over the course of their working lives.

Wow, 30 year olds are "old fucks" now, are we?

And for the record I probably pay more taxes in a month than you pay in a year. I pay them gladly too so racist, mentally challenged people can collect foodstamps working sales jobs (Even after spending 20k on college a few years ago).

I don't judge, I think everyone should have the money to eat nutritional food.

*drops mic*

(You started the name calling btw, I just finished it, dont quote me anymore)

The ignore button is within your reach.

Don't like? Don't respond..it's as easy as that. Dig?