the upside of Trump's presidency

Now let's assume for discussion sake that Obama won twice carrying just 50% of the popular, and that all three votes were of the exact same people. .. I Wud think a very high proportion of McCain and Romney voters voted trump. Just for shits and giggles let's say 90 I think that's low but just for discuss sake well keep it.. that Wud be about 45% of the entire vote misusing 3rd party voters who probably rarely stray to vote major party. So to be conservative with "most" and keep it whole numbers we will say 52% Obama voters went trump...that would be 26% Of his portion of the total vote. That would be 71% of the popular vote added together if same exact voters voted in 08, 12, 16... trump lost the popular! So long way from 71%!!!

Now I get this is not scientific, but it proves a point that "most" is not very logical and a large overstatement.

Per Rasmussen website about 11 to 15% of O voters went trump...
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Obama stepped into a world in conflict, can't you see that? He made tough choices, some incorrect ones, but to say all blame for all war belongs to Obama is ridiculous.
Well I'm not actually blaming Obama we have been escalating violence in the Middle East since fucking Israel. Lol, just Obama did a shit job of deescalating, of course Bush started the current escalation but I voted for Obama to end the Afghan and Iraq wars!! He only brought that shit to Africa and all over the world even Eastern Europe.

Of course not all Obama Congressmen are responsible too McCain shook hands with a high ranking ISIS soldier he also passed out candy and gave a speech in the Ukraine on the verge of civil war.

Congress needs to be stopped!! Is money dominance freedom? Fuck no with freedom we don't need the #1 currency in the world I will make trade for anything. Fuck taxes fuck the overreaching government.
Well I'm not actually blaming Obama we have been escalating violence in the Middle East since fucking Israel. Lol, just Obama did a shit job of deescalating, of course Bush started the current escalation but I voted for Obama to end the Afghan and Iraq wars!! He only brought that shit to Africa and all over the world even Eastern Europe.

Of course not all Obama Congressmen are responsible too McCain shook hands with a high ranking ISIS soldier he also passed out candy and gave a speech in the Ukraine on the verge of civil war.

Congress needs to be stopped!! Is money dominance freedom? Fuck no with freedom we don't need the #1 currency in the world I will make trade for anything. Fuck taxes fuck the overreaching government.

fuck pedophiles who browse child pornography websites.
you literally said you were on a website with links to child pornography. that makes it a child pornography website. which you visited.

Which makes it Hidden Wiki. :dunce: you can find a hitman probably cheaper than flying me to Russia. Lol
Well I'm not actually blaming Obama we have been escalating violence in the Middle East since fucking Israel. Lol, just Obama did a shit job of deescalating, of course Bush started the current escalation but I voted for Obama to end the Afghan and Iraq wars!! He only brought that shit to Africa and all over the world even Eastern Europe.

Explain your first paragraph to me. Obama did pull out of the middle east in a major way. In what way is Obama responsible for creating war in Eastern Europe and Africa?
The more King Donald has to pow wow with other world leaders, the more he'll appear as the inept buffoon that he is.

Trump won--won the electoral college--and did so narrowly with the votes of a handful of states pushing him over the edge. But Trump will lose as the el presidente. Even el presidentes can lose--just look at George W. Bush's record as the el presidente for eight years. Everything sucked by the fall of 2008!

By the end of Trump's kingship, whether that's in 2020 or whenever the King decides to quit, I think America and the world will be so fucking broken and everything will suck to the point that just about everyone will agree that he was a loser as the el presidente, and that our suckitude will be the responsibility of King Donald.
Yep. The longer he's in office, the more American citizens will see what's going horribly wrong with our country. He'll be blamed and so will the Republican Party for not putting a stop to his astonishingly corrupt tenure.

And as I've said elsewhere on many occasions, he's done more to ignite and expand the Progressive Movement than anyone else in the past half century.