Stupidest/Embarassing thing you've done when your high?!


Well-Known Member
I will start it up...

Me and 2 friends had been smoking all day and decided to rip the bong in my 3x4 foot bathroom for the ultimate fishbowl...

After about a half hour of smoking a bong we were all destroyed and they started fuckin with me saying that whenever they smoked the bong the whole thing milks up and you can't see through it and when I smoke it stays clear and dosn't milk at all.. MOTIVATION FOR THE BIGGEST RIP IN HISTORY!! I get pissed, take the bong, pack a fresh bowl, light the whole thing, milk it so no more smoke will even enter the bong and rip. So, me being a retard started caughing like crazy and pretty much spewing all over the place.. I was actually thowing up smoke, it was crazy.. Then I passed out on my couch within 5 minutes.

Let's hear your storys..bongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
going to see return of the jedi in front of about a thousand people went to jump a gaurdrail showing off ran up put out my hand for a leap went over thinking wow am i going to look cool executing this perfect leap huge patch of ice on the other side my feet hit it and shot straight up in the air landing flat on my ass get up and take a bow for the thousand or so clapping people


New Member
One day my husband and I were really fucked up and were getting ready to go somewhere and I went in the bedroom and put on my bathrobe instead of my coat. He noticed and he's been making fun of me for that for 9 damn years now.

Another time me and 5 other girls were going somewhere in a van smoking the whole way. We stopped and went in this Arby's (cause we had the fuckin munchies) and the girl at the cash register kept saying "you guys smell good, You guys smell really, really good".

I've got 25 years of stoner memories, there are a lot more, if only I could remember them...


The dumbest thing I've done while high was smoke a blunt in front of a police station. Sure I may of been in my car, but it only takes one phone call and a cop to walk across the street. :weed:

Nothing embarrassing from being high, just stupid and funny.


New Member
funny monet i was in schoool really really high and i walked into a door infront of a class boy did i look stupid

lol pic


Well-Known Member
reading these types of stories has just been proven to be so entertaining when ur high... need some more though!!

i was at work and I really had to go #2.. So I went in the bathroom and was in there for a total of like 25 minutes.. During this 25 minutes somone kept smashing on the door trying to get in, meanwhile I'm taking the crazy #2, that smells terrible.. I finish up, walk out the door, and there waiting for the bathroom is the hottest girl I've like ever seen in my life and I froze up, stood outside the bathroom door for like 20 seconds without even moving, and then she walks into the stanky bathroom.. i ran into the basement and didnt serve a single customer for like 30 minteus.


Well-Known Member
alright on friday, I think these must have been the dumbest high moments I've had. I might also like to add that it was the highest I've been ever (I know, I always say that....but this was unlike anyother time ever)

first, me and two of my friends were sitting on a porch and it felt like this bubble blew up in my stomach and I got reeeaaly fucking hungry. then my friend next to me said that he just got very hungry and I turned to him and yelled "DID YOU GET THE BUBBLE TOO!?!?!?!?" he exclaimed "HOLY SHIT I DID!! WE GOT IT AT THE SAME TIME!!" and then that led into us laughing for a very lengthy time, at which I fell off the porch somehow.

after that, we smoked more with another friend that joined us and we proceeded to walk to the Chinese Buffet up the road. on the way there, my one friend walking behind me took out his phone and started playing music in my ear. it took me a while to notcie it, but when i turned around and saw it I freaked out and shrieked like a little schoolgirl and started laughing a bit. the embarrassing part of that though was that there was some chick walking opposite of us and heard/saw me do that. after that, I then got to the peak of my high which was extremely unenjoyable believe it or not and I had to walk with my arms to my side and concentrate on myself getting out of the high...which was weird. I chilled though when we got to the buffet though

some hours later, we smoked some more on a deck. I was sitting on the ground and I fell over laughing for whatever reason. I then proceeded to move around the deck like a snake....not much more to explain there.

very fun day, but I really don't remember much. from what my friends told me though, I was completely out of it lol.

sorry for making the post so long haha.


Well-Known Member
haha sounds like you got straight retarded.. i get like that when it's a brofest but i try not to smoke enough to get like that when i'm around girls..

in response to your goign around the deck like a snake, i can top that.

like 3 nights ago i was smoking with my 2 good friends so were all comfertable enough to go for gold and get completly ripped.. anyways we were encredibly high and my friend was like "dude i am so compltly retarded right now".. so i thought it would be funny to walk up and down my street for almost 20 minuetes immitating a retard and making extremly loud noices. then my 90 year old nabor came out of her house and asked if i was ok.. that was embarassing


Active Member
I missed the toilet when I went to take a dump. That sucked so bad.

Another time I took mushrooms and e together and had sex with my girlfriend 25 times.
haha sounds like you got straight retarded.. i get like that when it's a brofest but i try not to smoke enough to get like that when i'm around girls..

in response to your goign around the deck like a snake, i can top that.

like 3 nights ago i was smoking with my 2 good friends so were all comfertable enough to go for gold and get completly ripped.. anyways we were encredibly high and my friend was like "dude i am so compltly retarded right now".. so i thought it would be funny to walk up and down my street for almost 20 minuetes immitating a retard and making extremly loud noices. then my 90 year old nabor came out of her house and asked if i was ok.. that was embarassing
Omg dude i cant quit fucking laughin...i can juss picture that u got high as fuck and started acting like a retard in the street rofl


Well-Known Member
I like to walk around my house naked, it gives me a sense of freedom. Plus I like how it feels on my balls. :-P
A few months ago the UPS guy was knocking on the door, I answered it, signed his computer, took my package, and when I shut the door that's when I realized I was naked.:wall:


New Member
Were you puttin up your christmas tree Dante?

Ever seen "Grandma's Boy" ?

I like to walk around my house naked, it gives me a sense of freedom. Plus I like how it feels on my balls. :-P
A few months ago the UPS guy was knocking on the door, I answered it, signed his computer, took my package, and when I shut the door that's when I realized I was naked.:wall:


Well-Known Member
-"Dude, its July."
"Get the fuck out of here, it is!?"

"Wanna borrow my birthday suit"
"Sorry, brown's not my color"
"I'm not brown, im BRONZE!"

Nope, never heard of it =P


Active Member
reading these types of stories has just been proven to be so entertaining when ur high... need some more though!!

i was at work and I really had to go #2.. So I went in the bathroom and was in there for a total of like 25 minutes.. During this 25 minutes somone kept smashing on the door trying to get in, meanwhile I'm taking the crazy #2, that smells terrible.. I finish up, walk out the door, and there waiting for the bathroom is the hottest girl I've like ever seen in my life and I froze up, stood outside the bathroom door for like 20 seconds without even moving, and then she walks into the stanky bathroom.. i ran into the basement and didnt serve a single customer for like 30 minteus.
Holy shit! That made me laugh..:clap: