What's Russia's endgame?


Well-Known Member
Is it to make us look like morons, Trump be damned? Or is it to ultimately gain control of our government?

I personally think the former is the reason behind this. I dont think Russia could successfully run a shadow government here. Too transparently corrupt. Oh wait we voted Trump in. Damn! smh.


Well-Known Member
Command @ Conquer America easy

just like old school days

I know DC better than my own state of Penn

pc game Fallout 3 didn't help


Well-Known Member
Is it to make us look like morons, Trump be damned? Or is it to ultimately gain control of our government?

I personally think the former is the reason behind this. I dont think Russia could successfully run a shadow government here. Too transparently corrupt. Oh wait we voted Trump in. Damn! smh.
The end game is to make Russia appear to be as important a player on the world stage as they used to be and to diminish the standing of the US. Job well-done, Putin, you despotic asswipe. Putin getting more one-on-one time with the Orange Retard than anyone else at the G20 (by far) was an important symbolic victory for Putin and Russia along those lines.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Is it to make us look like morons, Trump be damned? Or is it to ultimately gain control of our government?

I personally think the former is the reason behind this. I dont think Russia could successfully run a shadow government here. Too transparently corrupt. Oh wait we voted Trump in. Damn! smh.
Russia has trouble running itself..its just playing when it can on the international stage. Putin wanted Trump in as he hated what Hilary did to him in Russia as Secretary of State. He was really scared of what she could do as President. Trumps just another long line of big noting gangster types he is used to dealing with and destroying when he sees fit.


Well-Known Member
Russia has trouble running itself..its just playing when it can on the international stage. Putin wanted Trump in as he hated what Hilary did to him in Russia. He was scared of what she could do as President. Trumps just another long line of big noting gangster types he is used to dealing with.
They're also determined to undo what Real American Barack Obama did to them with the punishing sanctions (which we should now be quadrupling down on with our allies).


Well-Known Member
Russia has trouble running itself..its just playing when it can on the international stage. Putin wanted Trump in as he hated what Hilary did to him in Russia as Secretary of State. He was really scared of what she could do as President. Trumps just another long line of big noting gangster types he is used to dealing with and destroying when he sees fit.
So true. Putin and Trump are gangsters above all else.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
You are right a 20Trillion $ corrupt socialist shithole

Everyone has forgotten what capitalism is, it isn't what you have now
handouts for all
free shit for everybody
If America was even a little bit Socialist you would have free to end user health care..like every other 1st world country.

Your 20 trillion in debt due to your capitalist ideals. IE- the banks and the stock markets.
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Well-Known Member
You are right a 20Trillion $ corrupt socialist shithole

Everyone has forgotten what capitalism is, it isn't what you have now
handouts for all
free shit for everybody
Capitalism is an economic system in which economic infrastructure and resources are privately owned. Aside from the Eisenhower interstate system, there is nothing about the US economy that is not 100% capitalist. I suggest you learn what words mean before attempting to use them. Also, "America" is not a country, whether you're referring to a socialist shit hole or not. Again, please educate yourself since you are coming off like a complete idiot.


Well-Known Member
If America was even a little but Socialist you would have free to end user health care..like every other 1st world country.
Like stralya its a socialist shithole as well, even Turdball is one, and he leads the conservative fucking liberal party
hahaha , bring back Tony FFS


Well-Known Member
Capitalism is an economic system in which economic infrastructure and resources are privately owned. Aside from the Eisenhower interstate system, there is nothing about the US economy that is not 100% capitalist. I suggest you learn what words mean before attempting to use them. Also, "America" is not a country, whether you're referring to a socialist shit hole or not. Again, please educate yourself since you are coming off like a complete idiot.
Sorry there bloke, the USA is a 20 trillion $ corrupt socialist shithole
Who do you bloke's/ladies'/transgender's think runs the socialists FFS
history has a lot to learn off you lot