Leaves dying from bottom up help!


Well-Known Member
there are several ways to mix this fertilizer so you might see other mixing formulas

full strength
mls per gallon

7.5 mls grow
5mls micro
2.5mls bloom
2 to 3mls calmag depending on source water
1/8 tsp Epsom salt

bloom option1
2.5 mls grow
5mls micro
7.5 mls bloom
1 to 2 mls kool bloom (ramp up to 2mls max toward late bloom)
2mls calmag

bloom option 2
6mls grow
3mls micro
6mls bloom
3 to 5mls calmag depending on source water

always mix it the same way

for a slightly higher ppm/EC mix it the same with slightly less water
for a slightly higher ppm/EC mix it the same with slightly more water
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Well-Known Member
if for some reason you don't have the bloom

mix it like this until you get it
full strength
8mls grow
5mls micro
2mls calmag
1/4 tsp Epsom salt


without the bloom and the Epsom salt you will eventually end up P def and magnesium def
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Well-Known Member
give the plants a good flush only water
then start them on the new mix

also remember

these are full strength formulas

you might start those plants at 75% strength since theyre still small and having issues

so youd mix it the same way but add 25% more water to cut it

mix In a trash can or something if your hand watering


Well-Known Member
make sure when you water them you get at least 20% run off from the bottom of the pot

so if you add 1 gallon you should get 1 liter out the bottom


ok last questions;

you said calimagic

that's the technaflora brand of calmag?

also do you have the 3rd part... the bloom?
its calimagic from general hydroponic and yes i do have the 3rd part when i get back home in 7 days i will change the light and put them into darkness for 36h and change schedule for 12-12 .. am i right?



make sure when you water them you get at least 20% run off from the bottom of the pot

so if you add 1 gallon you should get 1 liter out the bottom
yes i will thank bud . cause when i water them i put just over a liter but i didnt have that 20 % of run off i only had roughly 10%... so there probably a buildup into the pot so i will flush them when i get back home ... and after the flush for the recovery, should i lower the light intensity? or just flushing them and then putting them into the dark for 36h ? maybe they will recover better without light
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i will look into th
Nutrient is such an odd industry. One of the few industries where following the instructions loses them business every day. I ran into issues with a simmiliar I'd i use half of what they say on there I'll be safe method as well. Then satori helped me. Now I'm almost to my first harvest. He will get you going in the right direction.
i will look into dat .. tx


Well-Known Member
its calimagic from general hydroponic and yes i do have the 3rd part when i get back home in 7 days i will change the light and put them into darkness for 36h and change schedule for 12-12 .. am i right?
There's lots of debate on the subject. The 36hr is not a requirement. Even argument that it really isn't beneficial. I didn't do a ton of transition but I tried to follow nature and its genetic coding on this one. I cut 2 hours for a couple days at a time and transitioned until I hit the 12/12. No magic darkness. They were officially "flowering" within a week of hitting 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Biggest flops I see here are not realizing how detrimental even a little bit of light is during "dark time" and not cutting back on the nitrogen after the stretch


Well-Known Member
I see no reason to impose on myself fucking with my timers more than I have to
Straight 12x12 has never let me down
In the beginning I tried all the shit people were talking about but now I`m looking for the most direct route.
If you were to do all the little tweaks and I was to sit on my porch enjoying myself our weed would be so close to the same
it would be foolish for me to change. BUT, if you enjoy doing all the tweaks do them.
You almost have to so you can decide for yourself was it worth it.


Well-Known Member
I see no reason to impose on myself fucking with my timers more than I have to
Straight 12x12 has never let me down
In the beginning I tried all the shit people were talking about but now I`m looking for the most direct route.
If you were to do all the little tweaks and I was to sit on my porch enjoying myself our weed would be so close to the same
it would be foolish for me to change. BUT, if you enjoy doing all the tweaks do them.
You almost have to so you can decide for yourself was it worth it.
I see no wrong in going direct to 12 hour. This was my first grow and heavily invested much more then your average grower. I had to give them every ounce of love as possible. I'm looking forward to more relaxed grows in the future.


Well-Known Member
I see no wrong in going direct to 12 hour. This was my first grow and heavily invested much more then your average grower. I had to give them every ounce of love as possible. I'm looking forward to more relaxed grows in the future.
Yeah, general maintenance and the occasional problem will keep you busy enough,


Finally got home yesterday....plants are not doing so bad, they survived..... i gave them half of streng of micro and bloom(half of teaspoon per gallon) , 1 teaspoon per gallon of calimagic and ph at 6.20 .... im gonna start easy on the feeding.12 hours in the dark ,change schedule for 12-12 and swich the light... im hoping for good results! how often should i feed them with the stuff?



Well-Known Member
i gotta ask some questions, im not picking on you, that's not my intent

I don't really understand how or why your dosing the fertilizer the way you are??

1/2 strength micro and bloom...what does that mean? 2.5 mls per gallon of each with 5mls calmag that's only maybe EC0.5
which is what you feed sprouts

why are you still feeding them only part of the 3part ? what about the third part

if you want your plants to do well you need to mix it with one of the options I provided


i gotta ask some questions, im not picking on you, that's not my intent

I don't really understand how or why your dosing the fertilizer the way you are??

1/2 strength micro and bloom...what does that mean? 2.5 mls per gallon of each with 5mls calmag that's only maybe EC0.5
which is what you feed sprouts

why are you still feeding them only part of the 3part ? what about the third part

if you want your plants to do well you need to mix it with one of the options I provided
that what i mixed micro is the second and floragrow is the third ( half of streng is 1/2 teaspoon).... i started light dosage over again cause i burnt the sh*t out of them last time . like i said earlyer , when i burnt them i only gave them 1 teaspoon per gallon of flora grow and flora micro. so that why this time i will go smoother for start .. what do you think?



Well-Known Member

stop using the word floragrow... floragrow refers to the GH 1 part for veg and that sa different fertilizer

you have the GH 3part grow, micro, bloom

read post#21 closely

you need to mix the fertilizer one of those ways.... every time you mix you mix it the same only with more or less water to lower or raise the concentration