Which would produce more DO in a DWC?

As long as you don't toss her in the grow room you'll be fine. Just take care to watch you don't transfer any bugs from her to the new plants but you have to watch for that just going into the grow room after being outside anyways.

I did one like that but I just left it out all summer as the days are long enough here to keep it in veg. Had a nice load of mites and thrips that I had to get rid of so kept her in the shop in the window until I got 3 full treatments in then put her in the grow room by herself to flower. Never saw a bug one her for the rest of her life. She was a good size too. I'd topped the side branches and the tops so was a 3' ball that you couldn't see through.

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Im doing sort of the same thing starting every thing out side then moving in when the weather turns.
I plan on waiting till week 2 or 3 of bloom when i bring them in. i will give a good prune and spray with bug killer.
then load the room up with thripe killers and mite killers and some preventers.
this is my first try at out door indoor and hope it works out as i love using the free sun for for my veg light.

I hear ya on the free light. This summers been really mild here in Oregon, but I still have the AC running most days when it gets 75 inside. So not only are we getting free light, but we're not adding heat and taking up even more electricity with fans and stuff.

My Headband loves her full 10 hours of uninterrupted sun each day :)
I hear ya on the free light. This summers been really mild here in Oregon, but I still have the AC running most days when it gets 75 inside. So not only are we getting free light, but we're not adding heat and taking up even more electricity with fans and stuff.

My Headband loves her full 10 hours of uninterrupted sun each day :)
Im in southren BC. and so far so good, Ive got my green house still pumping out 2 last 4 x8 tents they will be done in the next few weeks, so i have just doubled my square footage for the same price.
Got my 2" rubber washers today. Hooked one up for leak test, and it worked first time with just hand-tightening they bulkhead. No need for doubling up the washers (adding one to the female side to add wall thickness). Single washer on the MALE side of the bulkhead only works perfectly fine. Bucket barely flexed to account for the bulkhead.



To anyone who's following this and plan on using bulkheads, here's something you should consider when cementing bulkhead parts to pipes:

Always make the male adapter the non-rotating part. For example, I have a pipe going between two buckets. The pipe ends are male bulkhead adapters. The female adapter screws on to the male from inside the bucket. The reason for this is because you don't want the washer rotating as you're screwing the two together. The bulkhead would still work, but you stand the chance of tearing up the washer while twisting the male adapter. That would probably cause leaks.

Remember, the washer always goes on the male adapter, because the threads won't seal and water will leak through them.
Im doing sort of the same thing starting every thing out side then moving in when the weather turns.
I plan on waiting till week 2 or 3 of bloom when i bring them in. i will give a good prune and spray with bug killer.
then load the room up with thripe killers and mite killers and some preventers.
this is my first try at out door indoor and hope it works out as i love using the free sun for for my veg light.

I'd get them in before they start to flower so you aren't spraying shit on the buds that are forming at 3 weeks. I've never sprayed after the start of flowering and prefer not to ever spray even in veg but with that outdoor plant it was spray or leave her out in the snow. :) I used Safer's End-All II with a little neem oil added and gave that plant 3 sprays at 3 day intervals. I set it up on a 5 gal pail in the shop with plastic on the floor and a 500W halide work light off to the side so I could make sure I got every little bit of leaf covered well on both sides.

I got 7.5 acres here and would love to grow a shitload outside every summer and just use indoors for breeding and getting plants ready in the new year to go out in early June a decent size. I'm so far north that plants don't start flowering until the middle of August and we sometimes get frost by the end of Aug and for sure by the middle of Sept. so they never have time to finish outside. Would need to run autos and I keep meaning to do that but just never got into it.
The netpots on the lids I bought were so big (6", I think). So I just made my own using 3.5" netpots. I originally tried 3", but they seemed too small.

For any noobs following, you want to go smallish on your netpots, not large. Big netpots leave you less room for water in the buckets and it takes more Hydroton to fill them all.

Original vs. new:


The holes in those smaller net pot are pretty small too. I got about 100 of them and some the holes are half closed as the mold used to make it must allow leaks so sat at my desk for hours watching TV and trimming out extra plastic to open them up.

I had a mother plant growing in a 2L tobacco can and converted it to DWC by drilling holes in another one then folding up some snow fence to make an air space in the bottom so the ProMix wouldn't be saturated all the time. Sawed a couple inches off the bottom of the rootball and stuffed it into the big netpot. A twisted loop of electrical tape around the rim of the can kept it from falling thru the lid of the tub and a week later had this going on.


The aftermath.


8oz of nice buds with almost the same in sugar trim and small buds I got tired of trying to trim of the one plant and it went hermie bad around week 6.
The holes in those smaller net pot are pretty small too. I got about 100 of them and some the holes are half closed as the mold used to make it must allow leaks so sat at my desk for hours watching TV and trimming out extra plastic to open them up.

I had a mother plant growing in a 2L tobacco can and converted it to DWC by drilling holes in another one then folding up some snow fence to make an air space in the bottom so the ProMix wouldn't be saturated all the time. Sawed a couple inches off the bottom of the rootball and stuffed it into the big netpot. A twisted loop of electrical tape around the rim of the can kept it from falling thru the lid of the tub and a week later had this going on.

8oz of nice buds with almost the same in sugar trim and small buds I got tired of trying to trim of the one plant and it went hermie bad around week 6.

Yeah, I noticed the holes were small when I was buying them. I'll just do what you did and drill some holes or cut away parts of the plastic.
What I'm wondering is, would 2 air stones per bucket produce more dissolved oxygen than 1 air stone per bucket at twice the pressure (because 4 of the outputs would be shut off)?

So do you really want more Air or do you really want more Oxygen (O2)? Don't be confused, air and oxygen are different gases.

SCIENTIFIC FACTS can be very disappointing.

Pumping air with 1 air pump, with 1 air stone always delivers < 21% oxygen.

Pumping air with 2 air pumps, with 5 air stones always delivers < 21% oxygen.

Pumping air with 3 big air pumps, with 10 air stones always delivers < 21% oxygen.

Ambient air is always < 21% oxygen regardless of how much air you pump or how many air stones you pump that air through.

If you really want to deliver more oxygen, well, that requires supplemental oxygen administration (oxygen enrichment 24% O2 or greater).

The oxygen concentration in ambient air is seriously limited, air is always a mixture of gases and the greatest volume is always 80% Nitrogen.

More air does not mean more oxygen contrary to very popular misconception.
^^^^^ disregard Biff Loman. He's a salesman for O2Grow. their products are so shitty they can't afford to pay to be an advertiser on this site so he relentlessly tries to plug them for free. And after you read a few of his posts, you'll realize he's quite an asshole to others on this site.
power your stones with an oxygen concentrator perhaps? An old buddy of mine had two of them he used for glass blowing to save cash on o2 for his small torches. I'm sure they cost a bit but he was no money bags so who knows
Order a bag of ladybugs and introduce them to that plant a few days to a week before you bring it in. They're voracious little hunters and will clean out any unwanted pests.
power your stones with an oxygen concentrator perhaps? An old buddy of mine had two of them he used for glass blowing to save cash on o2 for his small torches. I'm sure they cost a bit but he was no money bags so who knows

This is secret stuff so don't tell. Testing the DO saturation in a DWC grow containing root balls and beneficial microbes like in a CC recirculating system exposes the stark failure (to oxygenate) of the O2 Grow oxygenator big time. You would never know this unless you actually tested the DO through the rez water and not many do this at all. The DO meter does not lie.

The O2 Grow oxygenator does not generate enough of that pure 100% oxygen to insure minimal safe oxygenation continuously and DO for the last few plants in the CC circulation system is very low because most of the oxygen has been consumed by plants and microbes. 1st in line from the emitter get the most DO. If the emitter is placed in chilled rez water, it does not run as often and when it does not run, there is no electrolysis, no O2 production... a catch 22 for chilling water when using the O2 Grow oxygenator.

And, there are other excellent, dependable, reliable O2 sources, like PSA oxygen generators…

Where to buy them at great prices.

Many Mom and Pop Durable Medical Companies (DME Oxygen Supply Companies ) are going out of business by the droves in the US now. They are selling their rental oxygen concentrators with low hour usage cheap… $75 - $100 less than 500 hours use.

Also, many geriatric COPD patients die every day and families sell their O2 concentrators ASAP just to get the equipment out of the house and out of sight - $25 - $50 you come and get it today.

Do a Google search, put a wanted ad in the Green Sheet or on the internet net “want to buy good used oxygen concentrator.”

And there are other types of supplemental oxygenating equipment available that are inexpensive, perfectly quiet and operate other than PSA Oxygen Concentrators too.
This is secret stuff so don't tell. Testing the DO saturation in a DWC grow containing root balls and beneficial microbes like in a CC recirculating system exposes the stark failure (to oxygenate) of the O2 Grow oxygenator big time. You would never know this unless you actually tested the DO through the rez water and not many do this at all. The DO meter does not lie.

The O2 Grow oxygenator does not generate enough of that pure 100% oxygen to insure minimal safe oxygenation continuously and DO for the last few plants in the CC circulation system is very low because most of the oxygen has been consumed by plants and microbes. 1st in line from the emitter get the most DO. If the emitter is placed in chilled rez water, it does not run as often and when it does not run, there is no electrolysis, no O2 production... a catch 22 for chilling water when using the O2 Grow oxygenator.

And, there are other excellent, dependable, reliable O2 sources, like PSA oxygen generators…

Where to buy them at great prices.

Many Mom and Pop Durable Medical Companies (DME Oxygen Supply Companies ) are going out of business by the droves in the US now. They are selling their rental oxygen concentrators with low hour usage cheap… $75 - $100 less than 500 hours use.

Also, many geriatric COPD patients die every day and families sell their O2 concentrators ASAP just to get the equipment out of the house and out of sight - $25 - $50 you come and get it today.

Do a Google search, put a wanted ad in the Green Sheet or on the internet net “want to buy good used oxygen concentrator.”

And there are other types of supplemental oxygenating equipment available that are inexpensive, perfectly quiet and operate other than PSA Oxygen Concentrators too.

i have no knowledge of the product you speak of, i was referring to medical devices like you mentioned at the end. The ones my buddy had were medical, probably from Craigslist