Proof the DNC was not hacked by Russia


Well-Known Member
I truly believe that if you think that email alone will get trump impeached you are 100% out of your mind. Now if they have other evidence then the case will gain traction. that email alone will not get trump impeached.
if you had a smoking gun like that on hillary you would literally be crying right now and screaming for grand juries.

but you are choking on trump dick. it is sad.


Well-Known Member
"but officer, i didn;t actually buy any stolen goods. the thief contacted me to sell them and i said "i love it, please sell me stolen goods" but he didn;t really have any stolen goods. we're cool, right?"
yeah that case wouldn't hold up unless you plead guilty.


Well-Known Member
if you had a smoking gun like that on hillary you would literally be crying right now and screaming for grand juries.

but you are choking on trump dick. it is sad.
there were a thousand smoking guns about hillary you ignored them all and still do. that's why I am scared we will turn into a one party system because the dems are a laughing stock right now. they couldn't beat trump. how can you not see that is an obvious sign that they have completely failed as a party. I know you probably live in a blue state and it seems like you are in the majority but you're not.



Well-Known Member
Wait every intelligence agency in the works says Russia did it and we, on this board have to prove them and your stupid theory otherwise? Werd or Derp?
You are incredibly stupid or just unfathomably ignorant of the state of that accusation.
Let me help you:

Correction: June 29, 2017

A White House Memo article on Monday about President Trump’s deflections and denials about Russia referred incorrectly to the source of an intelligence assessment that said Russia orchestrated hacking attacks during last year’s presidential election. The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community.
"But...but...but Hitlery said it was 17!!!!!!"

Remember these intelligence agencies were the same ones that guaranteed WMDs in Iraq during the Shrub years.
He tried to make out that the speed at which a batch of files that is compressed proves that it was copied to a thumb drive and not downloaded...that data isn't stored in the archive.
I didn't, the researcher did and had his findings vilified by inclusion in a presidential executive summary authored by:

William Binney, former NSA Technical Director for World Geopolitical & Military Analysis; Co-founder of NSA’s Signals Intelligence Automation Research Center
Skip Folden, independent analyst, retired IBM Program Manager for Information Technology US (Associate VIPS)
Matthew Hoh, former Capt., USMC, Iraq & Foreign Service Officer, Afghanistan (associate VIPS)
Larry C Johnson, CIA & State Department (ret.)
Michael S. Kearns, Air Force Intelligence Officer (Ret.), Master SERE Resistance to Interrogation Instructor
John Kiriakou, Former CIA Counterterrorism Officer and former Senior Investigator, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Linda Lewis, WMD preparedness policy analyst, USDA (ret.)
Lisa Ling, TSgt USAF (ret.) (associate VIPS)
Edward Loomis, Jr., former NSA Technical Director for the Office of Signals Processing
David MacMichael, National Intelligence Council (ret.)
Ray McGovern, former U.S. Army Infantry/Intelligence officer and CIA analyst
Elizabeth Murray, former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Middle East, CIA
Coleen Rowley, FBI Special Agent and former Minneapolis Division Legal Counsel (ret.)
Cian Westmoreland, former USAF Radio Frequency Transmission Systems Technician and Unmanned Aircraft Systems whistleblower (Associate VIPS)
Kirk Wiebe, former Senior Analyst, SIGINT Automation Research Center, NSA
Sarah G. Wilton, Intelligence Officer, DIA (ret.); Commander, US Naval Reserve (ret.)
Ann Wright, U.S. Army Reserve Colonel (ret) and former U.S. Diplomat
He used file modification time stored in the metadata. He even used it to show the rar archives were created on NTFS or EXT4 due to the 0.1 microsecond time stamps.
Hes also butthurt that I didn't give him any credit for his shitty attempt at a bash script.
If it was a script it would have started:
But instead it was just a common command used to delete useless chatter. ;)
Too bad it didn't work. :(


Well-Known Member
there were a thousand smoking guns about hillary you ignored them all and still do. that's why I am scared we will turn into a one party system because the dems are a laughing stock right now. they couldn't beat trump. how can you not see that is an obvious sign that they have completely failed as a party. I know you probably live in a blue state and it seems like you are in the majority but you're not.

I know it's been an emotional few months for you. But you still have your map, your gunz and your Christianity, lol.


Well-Known Member
there were a thousand smoking guns about hillary you ignored them all and still do. that's why I am scared we will turn into a one party system because the dems are a laughing stock right now. they couldn't beat trump. how can you not see that is an obvious sign that they have completely failed as a party. I know you probably live in a blue state and it seems like you are in the majority but you're not.

You: Show me proof
Us: Here you go ::shows emails::
You: All that does is prove that he conspired with the Russians
Us: Exactly
You: Yea, b-b-but he won the election!!!!

You are not good at this at all.


Well-Known Member
there were a thousand smoking guns about hillary you ignored them all and still do. that's why I am scared we will turn into a one party system because the dems are a laughing stock right now. they couldn't beat trump. how can you not see that is an obvious sign that they have completely failed as a party. I know you probably live in a blue state and it seems like you are in the majority but you're not.

"no reasonable prosecutor" were comey's words actually, and 8o% of the US population lives in those blue areas.


Well-Known Member
You are incredibly stupid or just unfathomably ignorant of the state of that accusation.
Let me help you:

"But...but...but Hitlery said it was 17!!!!!!"

Remember these intelligence agencies were the same ones that guaranteed WMDs in Iraq during the Shrub years.

I didn't, the researcher did and had his findings vilified by inclusion in a presidential executive summary authored by:

He used file modification time stored in the metadata. He even used it to show the rar archives were created on NTFS or EXT4 due to the 0.1 microsecond time stamps.

If it was a script it would have started:
But instead it was just a common command used to delete useless chatter. ;)
Too bad it didn't work. :(
shut the fuck up chomoer.


Well-Known Member
If someone sends me a picture of their new car and I say "I love it" does that give me ownership of the car? you leftists always have some fantasy of taking from others.