Oh for f*ck sakes


Well-Known Member
Arsehole can spend 60 million dollars of tax money visiting Mar-a-Lago, but can't afford 7 to 8 mil to provide medical services to the minute fraction of soldiers who are transsexual and otherwise fit to serve.
Why should he? He's a humpfhumpf old obese white disgusting pedo klanman..thinks he can invite someone over, have remedial conversations about chocolate cake and then demand 'a deal':lol:

Who the hell does that?


Well-Known Member
I used to have a fuck. But, I kept giving it, and sooner or later, I found I no longer had a fuck to give. And in this economy, it's hard to make a fuck. It seems the people who have all the fucks won't let anyone else have any.

We need a new minimum fuck law. Then we would have a liveable fuck.

But it's well know that trump HATES being touched. He is a lot like howard hughes that way (but not in amny others). The look on his face is disgust, not spiritual. He is playing people like the huckster he is.
That's fucked.


Well-Known Member
Why should he? He's a humpfhumpf old obese white disgusting pedo klanman..thinks he can invite someone over, have remedial conversations about chocolate cake and then demand 'a deal':lol:

Who the hell does that?
You've obviously been selling the wrong way all this time...


Well-Known Member
One does not need to be hypocritical to be Christian...

One does not need to be Christian to be hypocritical.

As ever, it's an individual choice.
I've been having a hard time going to church. I get tired of hearing about how these people are wrong or those people are bad.

What ever happened to turn the other cheek, forgiveness and acceptance.

Things like keep church and state separate are clearly in the bible.

I see a lot of hypocrisy. I'm not saying I'm without it but I try not to be a hypocrite.

More and more I find myself against organized religion.


Well-Known Member
I know ill catch flak for this but I'm Christian. I also find it insane that Christian folk buy this crap. Trump is not Christian.
As a Mexican Jew with Zen leanings who is rediscovering the religion of my progenitors, there's nothing wrong with Jesus, only the imperial interpretations of his teachings. After all, was he not one of the greatest anti-imperialists in history?


Well-Known Member
As a Mexican Jew with Zen leanings who is rediscovering the religion of my progenitors, there's nothing wrong with Jesus, only the imperial interpretations of his teachings. After all, was he not one of the greatest anti-imperialists in history?
That's about how I feel. I'm not really into organized religion.

I prefer to read and study myself. Christians can be some of the most judgemental people I ever met.

I find myself anymore just being a live and let live kind of person.


I also believe the king James bible was created to control people and is missing books. The king James bible even speaks of books of the bible that are not there.


Well-Known Member
I know ill catch flak for this but I'm Christian. I also find it insane that Christian folk buy this crap. Trump is not Christian.
Christianity has nothing to do with right wing beliefs. Doesn't matter if the person identifies as Christian or not. Some people use selected text and selected Christian beliefs to justify them but that shouldn't impugn somebody else with different beliefs like you.

Isn't there a saying that it's the Indian and not the arrow that made the accurate shot with the bow?

Same goes with religion. It's the person and not the religion that decides their course of action.


Well-Known Member
That's about how I feel. I'm not really into organized religion.

I prefer to read and study myself. Christians can be some of the most judgemental people I ever met.

I find myself anymore just being a live and let live kind of person.
I was exposed to Zen Buddhism by my longtime study of Japanese martial arts. The longer one is involved with that stuff, the more they're exposed to the philosophies of the old masters who found the way. It was never, at least for me, a thing I went out of my way to learn. There are basic underlying truths common to many schools of thought.

Some quotes by the perfect son himself regarding forgiveness seem to me to accept Karma as a facet of reality.


Well-Known Member
Christianity has nothing to do with right wing beliefs. Doesn't matter if the person identifies as Christian or not. Some people use selected text and selected Christian beliefs to justify them but that shouldn't impugn somebody else with different beliefs like you.

Isn't there a saying that it's the Indian and not the arrow that made the accurate shot with the bow?

Same goes with religion. It's the person and not the religion that decides their course of action.
I see a lot of bad things said about Christians here. Though one could argue that the people in question are not really Christian or take text out of context to justify their actions.

I would also think that those people should be called out.

I actually had a man try to tell me the bible tells a person to eat manure. The verse actually said use the manure to cook with. I couldn't get the guy to understand when you cook something with the stove you don't eat the stove.

I explained about ungulates and how their manure burns. There is not a lot of wood in the desert.

Some people can't be reasoned with.
I was exposed to Zen Buddhism by my longtime study of Japanese martial arts. The longer one is involved with that stuff, the more they're exposed to the philosophies of the old masters who found the way. It was never, at least for me, a thing I went out of my way to learn. There are basic underlying truths common to many schools of thought.

Some quotes by the perfect son himself regarding forgiveness seem to me to accept Karma as a facet of reality.
I like the movie "The Book of Eli." Denzel Washington's character is asked what the bible is about. His answer was basically to do more for others than yourself.

We need more of that. People need to care for each other. Have some more compassion.
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Well-Known Member
I've been having a hard time going to church. I get tired of hearing about how these people are wrong or those people are bad.

What ever happened to turn the other cheek, forgiveness and acceptance.

Things like keep church and state separate are clearly in the bible.

I see a lot of hypocrisy. I'm not saying I'm without it but I try not to be a hypocrite.

More and more I find myself against organized religion.
I don't suppose there's any coincidence that the larger the religious institution, the less they spiritually mature they tend to be?

I have no problem with the religion of individuals. Religious organizations are another story. What's truly frustrating is that they CAN do good work if they want to. Lutheran Family Services is a good example.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with christianity, but some Christians do give it a bad name (not whitebb)
I don't suppose there's any coincidence that the larger the religious institution, the less they spiritually mature they tend to be?

I have no problem with the religion of individuals. Religious organizations are another story. What's truly frustrating is that they CAN do good work if they want to. Lutheran Family Services is a good example.
I've seen churches do a lot of good. I've seen some that didn't.

I was going to this church for a number of years. I really liked the pastor. His time came and he moved to another town and another church.

The pastor that eventually took over I liked also. I would sit and talk with him a lot. All kinds of things. Ghost and other paranormal stuff I've witnessed. All around good guy. One thing though. This church had a lot of members that were from very well off to rich.

The pastor liked talking to poor people and average Joe's. Not saying he ignored people with money but really liked talking to people in need.

This pastor preached and more. He was there anytime someone was sick or died. He provided counseling to anyone that needed it.

The people in the church with money decided they weren't getting enough attention or say so in the church. Some of the deacons and members that donated the most money cornered him and gave him an ultimatum.

He left that church. I quit going. I'm sure they found someone that would do as they said. That particular church paid a handsome salary as well as provided a home and all bills paid.

It makes me sick that there are people like that.

I have seen quite a few things like that turned me off of organized religion.

On the other hand I attended a church that was very large for a while. They brought in a lot of money but it showed. They had everything from local programs to helping people around the world.
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