Seriously Considering


Well-Known Member
PRICEY, and overpopulated with hairy hippies. :D

(Yeah, I'll probably get spanked for saying that, but not by a hippie)


Well-Known Member
????? can I get an explanation, or a better suggestion, I'm looking more towards nocal, don't need to be that close to the biggest cities!


Well-Known Member
You said that you guys, live a little off the beaten path? I love the woods, and thought that humbolt had that to offer. I'm not however looking for overpriced if I can avoid it.


Well-Known Member
You're KIDDING! I went to (Guada)La Habra High, and so did my boys! I went for two years, after Lowell High in unincorporated Whittier was closed down.

Yep, yep, Bookworm is giving you the lowdown. Jesus.. do you know Rancho Starbuck (used to be Starbuck for me, and that was where Whittier Christian is now).

Then the congestion on the 91 must be vastly better than what I've dealt with. And the 60? Jesus. :| Mapquest and Google maps estimated it would take me over an hour and a half to get to North Highlands from home (about a 60mi. trip). It was an hour.
Who drives 65 down there? If you do you'll get run over (by guys like you)! :lol:

Ok, so, Dro, other areas in the OC are Garden Grove, Cypress, Westminster, Buena Park (home of Knott's Berry Farm)... you need a map. It all runs together like one ginormous city, not like home where you have a town, then nature or farms, and then another town, and then nature and woods or farms, and then another town. Uh uh, L.A. is not like that at all, and it's SPREADING. North and east.
yes the 91 is quite possibly the worst freeway ever, whoever designed it should be shot...luckily you only have to be on it for a couple minutes to get to the 71, and the 60 usually only get bad once you start getting close to the at guadalahabra


Well-Known Member
Ive driven from Hacienda Heights to To THousand Oaks in 37 minutes before :shock:, thats even further than corona to downtown


Well-Known Member
it was 3:00 in the morning, I was going 95 the whole way...Estimated time on mapquest iss an hour and 5 minutes


Well-Known Member
not movin there
but wait
how easy did VTX find a job there seeing as im going for a degree like his
It actually worked a little backwards. He was living up in Tahoe working for this same telco (telephone company). The decided to pull back from the region, and at the same time they had yet another department head quit. Someone suggested Dave, he decided to throw his hat in the ring, and next thing we know he's got it. The rub was that he had to be at the office every day, which meant we had to move from Tahoe down here. Much less populated, South Lake Tahoe's pretty much a big city now and fraught with city problems.

But, with such a degree, especially if you know networking and voice over IP (VoIP) technology, you can live just about anywhere you want and telecommute. Now THAT's a sweet gig as far as I'm concerned.
Ive driven from Hacienda Heights to To THousand Oaks in 37 minutes before :shock:, thats even further than corona to downtown
You're in Hacienda Heights? If so, then you know where the Buddhist temple and monastery is, right? My folks' place is on holy ground, about a half mile from the temple.

Oh, and... you had to be going some SERIOUS fucking fast with zero traffic to make that kind of run. I thought a La Habra Heights to Chino in under 15 was fast (and that was over 20 years ago), but... damn.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know where the temple is, its huge, biggest in the western hemsiphere, but Im sure you knew that...I grew up in rowland heights, its practically chinatown now, over 50% asian population :shock:


Well-Known Member
not movin there
but wait
how easy did VTX find a job there seeing as im going for a degree like his
There are plenty of jobs available to someone w/ a degree in Computer Science. The SF Bay Area has many available in many various aspects of Computer Science. As Seamaiden has stated, yes, I've got a good job in a place that is envied by many...but...I've paid my dues. I've been working in the IT industry for over 25 years now. I've had to endure the grind/rat race of Silicon Valley. My experience allowed me to land an enviable job in a rural community in a place where people go to vacation. Of course the trade off is also that I could probably earn at least $40K/year more for what I do if I still lived in the Bay Area. However, I don't gauge my success on the size of my pocketbook.

I will say this...Computer Science isn't for everyone. After 2.5 years of writing code I seriously questioned why I had even obtained a degree in CS. Long hours writing endless lines of code in a cubicle....Blech. It did however offer me an avenue into networking (LAN/WAN Technology). That's where I moved toward and that's where I've been since. I now manage a department of techs involved in telecommunications and datacommunications (DSL/Cable/WiFi).

How good are your computer skills? I maybe looking for a tech (seriously)within the next couple of months. :)