If you Voted for Bernie Sanders or wrote him in or

Is this what you;re referring too? Snowflake

Source: Dailymail.com

EXCLUSIVE: Trump's 13-year-old 'rape victim' dramatically DROPS her case. Woman withdraws legal claim she was assaulted at Jeffrey Epstein sex party
  • 'Katie Johnson's' shocking allegations first emerged in a lawsuit filed in California in April this year
  • She claimed she was lured to a sex party by pedophile Jeffrey Epstein where she was forced into rough role-play sex with presidential candidate
  • She said she was 13 when she met Trump after leaving her home in Oklahoma in 1994 to try to pursue a modeling career in New York
  • On Wednesday Johnson suddenly cancelled a press conference at which she was set to reveal herself for the first time
  • She spoke to DailyMail.com - and we have now learned that lawyers are pulling the case she filed against Trump and Epstein
  • She had no proof that her story is true and Trump has denied her claims
  • Clinton supporters had seized on the story as a possible knock out blow "

why do you suppose she dropped it days before the election even though a judge decided the case was credible and should proceed?
why do you suppose she dropped it days before the election even though a judge decided the case was credible and should proceed?
First guess is she was a liar and did not want to commit a crime under oath, that ain't brain surgery, even a snowflake can figure that out
First guess is she was a liar and did not want to commit a crime under oath, that ain't brain surgery, even a snowflake can figure that out

she had lots of witnesses and a federal judge did not think she was lying. so i don't think that's it.

why would jeffrey epstein plead the fifth when asked if he and trump hung around underage girls together?
Is this what you;re referring too? Snowflake

Source: Dailymail.com

EXCLUSIVE: Trump's 13-year-old 'rape victim' dramatically DROPS her case. Woman withdraws legal claim she was assaulted at Jeffrey Epstein sex party
  • 'Katie Johnson's' shocking allegations first emerged in a lawsuit filed in California in April this year
  • She claimed she was lured to a sex party by pedophile Jeffrey Epstein where she was forced into rough role-play sex with presidential candidate
  • She said she was 13 when she met Trump after leaving her home in Oklahoma in 1994 to try to pursue a modeling career in New York
  • On Wednesday Johnson suddenly cancelled a press conference at which she was set to reveal herself for the first time
  • She spoke to DailyMail.com - and we have now learned that lawyers are pulling the case she filed against Trump and Epstein
  • She had no proof that her story is true and Trump has denied her claims
  • Clinton supporters had seized on the story as a possible knock out blow "
I smell 7 figure settlement...
so cnn would report that trump was beating republicans. probably thought it would have been an easier person for hillary to run against. crazy how all their polls said he was destined to lose to hillary until the vote actually came in. Everyone knew the polls were bullshit when trump was filling up every speaking event he did on the trail. meanwhile hillary had to cancel a few because nobody showed up. "The polls said trump had 0 chance". Nobody cares what a poll says anymore. It's a made up number that is very easily manipulated.

"The polls said trump had 0 chance" no, they didnt idiot clown. You'd be sucking the "winning" off those polls as passionately as you suck the coward from his bone spurs if they were favorable. Your alt facts are as pitiably desperate and ridiculous as impotus.
fan fiction


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At the rate hes going...no way will Trump get another 4 years. And the dems are gonna whip up a doozy for a candidate...watch and see. Might have to trudge through a foot of nuclear fallout to get to the polls.
After all the hoo haw over Clinton's emailgate and "lock her up", Republicans have set the standard for public determination of guilt. By Republican standards and by his own, Rump is completely guilty of pedophilia.
the republican standard is "if someone is being investigated for something, they are guilty of it. so i live by that standard now.

either trump is a pedophile or every republican is a two-faced rat bitch. there is no third option anymore.
the republican standard is "if someone is being investigated for something, they are guilty of it. so i live by that standard now.

either trump is a pedophile or every republican is a two-faced rat bitch. there is no third option anymore.

"The mob takes the Fifth Amendment," Trump said at a campaign event in Iowa later that month. "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?"

We're going to be seeing some double-standard hocus pocus on that notion soon.
At the rate hes going...no way will Trump get another 4 years. And the dems are gonna whip up a doozy for a candidate...watch and see. Might have to trudge through a foot of nuclear fallout to get to the polls.
So far they're playing the same old game.

Mr Sanders is doing a good job of holding both party's feet to the fire on single payer healthcare, he's going to introduce the bill.
At the rate hes going...no way will Trump get another 4 years. And the dems are gonna whip up a doozy for a candidate...watch and see. Might have to trudge through a foot of nuclear fallout to get to the polls.
What a difference a year makes. We went from a POTUS to a POS. From a class act to just an ass. From a cool, suave, fit and trim Obama to an obese, doughy orange mess with a fat ass and more matronly hips than my grandma.
What a difference a year makes. We went from a POTUS to a POS. From a class act to just an ass. From a cool, suave, fit and trim Obama to an obese, doughy orange mess with a fat ass and more matronly hips than my grandma.
... From class act to ass hat.
Anyone notice how conservatives/republicans arent shouting about the "family values" and morality/virtue bullshit as much now they got the orange douche in Office? They know its not a good line to bring up...they are quiet about it. With Donald "grab em by the pussy" Trump..they cant with a straight face.
Anyone notice how conservatives/republicans arent shouting about the "family values" and morality/virtue bullshit as much now they got the orange douche in Office? They know its not a good line to bring up...they are quiet about it. With Donald "grab em by the pussy" Trump..they cant with a straight face.
It was always a distraction from the horrible crimes they were perpetrating against middle class families anyway. Two things have happened with the ascendancy of Herr Chumpster Fuhrer; he is his own distraction, and more importantly now people are onto their duplicitous ways.