Big Game Hunters, Show Your Stuff

I'm not saying I agree with how they produce meat on a large scale, and wether I eat it or not it's going to continue to go on...there is nothing I can do about that unfortunately, other than eat the meat of the already killed animal available to me and not go out and kill another one that is living happy and freely

You are a hypocrite. You eat some of the most inhumane raised animals in the world. What can you do about it?

Quit fucking eating it.

The animals we hunt live a happy life until the point they are killed. The meat is healthier.

Go and watch some videos on how the meat you eat is raised. You will be disgusted.

Hunting hurts nothing and actually saves animals. Hunters pay for preservation and restocking programs. You can thank a hunter for the national parks.

You got the wrong idea about hunting and need to get off your high horse.
I'm bumming.
Not going to be able to do Moose this year - the Rusty Tusty's sked screwed that up.
That a reference to the M/V Tustemena? Or your moose huntin rig?

If you're looking for a moose hunting partner -not a casual arrangement i know- let me know. I'm going for caribou (Tier I) because its a reasonable hunt. We def prefer moose and I got 1 3 years ago but have realistic expectations on that.

Also, my lady was thinking maybe she was too recognizable in that halibut-tossing pic, so I blew it up to convince her otherwise. In doing so counted no shit 20 bald eagles in that pic lol.
My hunting rig is a decked out King Quad & I have my regular moose hunting partner of the last 15 years, but he's in the same boat I am (not) in.

Guess I'll slam a mess of deer this year & possibly a Buffalo.
Already stocked to the gills with Butt, Ling, Rockfish and Salmon.
You are a hypocrite. You eat some of the most inhumane raised animals in the world. What can you do about it?

Quit fucking eating it.

The animals we hunt live a happy life until the point they are killed. The meat is healthier.

Go and watch some videos on how the meat you eat is raised. You will be disgusted.

Hunting hurts nothing and actually saves animals. Hunters pay for preservation and restocking programs. You can thank a hunter for the national parks.

You got the wrong idea about hunting and need to get off your high horse.

I'll bet I eat 10-15 lbs. of deer meat a year and I never hunted.

All my local buddies hunt and we had deerburger cook outs at work once a week Dec. through Feb.

People need to realize that the wild deer population is staggering in some places.

I have 22 deer in my yard at a time some days. Some of the local towns occasionally have special 1 day archery seasons to lower the population to a managable herd.

What good are deer that are smashed into by a car because there are too many?

I like nature and seeing a few deer. 22 in my yard is a bit much. I've had buddies cross bow them at night.

Technically poaching, but there are too many here.

And that is good meat.
I'll bet I eat 10-15 lbs. of deer meat a year and I never hunted.

All my local buddies hunt and we had deerburger cook outs at work once a week Dec. through Feb.

People need to realize that the wild deer population is staggering in some places.

I have 22 deer in my yard at a time some days. Some of the local towns occasionally have special 1 day archery seasons to lower the population to a managable herd.

What good are deer that are smashed into by a car because there are too many?

I like nature and seeing a few deer. 22 in my yard is a bit much. I've had buddies cross bow them at night.

Technically poaching, but there are too many here.

And that is good meat.
I see at least 3 road kill deer a day; and used to have 3-5 come through the yard every day, they hang back now cuz my big dog goes batshit when they get close
That a reference to the M/V Tustemena? Or your moose huntin rig?

If you're looking for a moose hunting partner -not a casual arrangement i know- let me know. I'm going for caribou (Tier I) because its a reasonable hunt. We def prefer moose and I got 1 3 years ago but have realistic expectations on that.

Also, my lady was thinking maybe she was too recognizable in that halibut-tossing pic, so I blew it up to convince her otherwise. In doing so counted no shit 20 bald eagles in that pic lol.
She's not recognizable at all from the pic. You took a good angle no facial recognition software can get her either. My favorite is the eagle on the wing coming in from the left! Gorgeous, thank her for letting you post that.
That a reference to the M/V Tustemena? Or your moose huntin rig?

If you're looking for a moose hunting partner -not a casual arrangement i know- let me know. I'm going for caribou (Tier I) because its a reasonable hunt. We def prefer moose and I got 1 3 years ago but have realistic expectations on that.

Also, my lady was thinking maybe she was too recognizable in that halibut-tossing pic, so I blew it up to convince her otherwise. In doing so counted no shit 20 bald eagles in that pic lol.

I got 24, don't recognize the girl but I do recognize that halibut without facial rec software
My hunting rig is a decked out King Quad & I have my regular moose hunting partner of the last 15 years, but he's in the same boat I am (not) in.

Guess I'll slam a mess of deer this year & possibly a Buffalo.
Already stocked to the gills with Butt, Ling, Rockfish and Salmon.

you poor Lil thing great white...
Your chest freezer would be worth $20,000 down here:mrgreen:.

Came close to buying some halibut last time at the grocery but I just couldn't do it,$25 fish dinner? Ah no..
Hmmm, down here in the lower 48, freezers full of goodies attract visitors
The upper 49th has its own set of freezer-related attraction issues.
